

GM_001_0022 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0022 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

GM_001_0023 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0023 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

GM_001_0017 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0017 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

GM_001_0019 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0019 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

GM_001_0018 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0018 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

GM_004_0004, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Meditation 禪定

GM_004_0004, Gyumay Kensur Los...

: Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning+AD11 IsBasisFor:Daniel Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca.....more

清無量壽佛 軸

清無量壽佛 軸

and form adhere strictly to the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. However, the treatment of the facial.....more

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 渡世慈航

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 渡世慈航

sentient beings. In Pure Land Buddhism, because Kuan-yin helps the Buddha Amitabha, Kuan-yin wears.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu(r.618-626). The top.....more

宋勾龍爽山水 軸

宋勾龍爽山水 軸

are two monks; the one in front holds a sutra and the other carries a tin staff. Buddhism came to China.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu(r.618-626). The top.....more

五代前蜀貫休羅漢 軸

五代前蜀貫休羅漢 軸

-907) text "Record of Buddhism in This World" describes how lohans were not just individuals who.....more

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

and Eyes, a type also known as the Kuan-yin of Great Compassion and which is found in esoteric Buddhism.....more

元管道昇竹溪攬勝 軸

元管道昇竹溪攬勝 軸

despite having had no formal training. She was also a follower of Buddhism. Her running and standard.....more

元人畫觀音大士 軸

元人畫觀音大士 軸

” in Sanskrit) is the foremost bodhisattva in Buddhism. In the T'ang, the “shih” character.....more
