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共找到 4535 筆符合的資料
明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸
the entire Lotus Sūtra requirements for her hand in marriage. Eventually, she married a Mr. Ma who.....more
- 1502/4535
明沈周江山清遠圖 卷
the historian Ch’ien Hao-t’an (Ch’ien Fu), and he showed me two long handscrolls, one by Ma Yüan and one.....more
- 1503/4535
宋馬遠華燈侍宴圖 軸
of architecture, this appears to describe a palace hall in the Southern Song imperial city. Ma Yuan.....more
- 1505/4535
/水墨 作者:馬壽華 譯名:Ma Shou-hua 其他識別資料:馬壽華(1893—1977),字木軒,號小靜,安徽省渦陽縣人。先生習法律,二十歲起,先後擔任各級法院法官。出身書香世家,幼時深受傳統文.....more
- 1507/4535
. Hsu;Jennings Wong;H. T. Chen;R. B. Ennis;K. Y. Chen;T. M. Tieh;Paul Ma 中文 原始編碼:20-16-042-07 .....more
- 1509/4535
集古名繪 冊 明李在圮上授書
of the Northern Sung and Ma Yüan, Hsia Kuei, and Liu Sung-nien of the Southern Sung. For figure.....more
- 1512/4535
名稱:軟橋伯公廟媽祖戲 客語拼音:海陸:ngion`kiau bag gung`miau+ ma`zu’hiˇ 客庄文化資源普查資料庫 經度:X:121.097166 緯度:Y:24.695433.....more
- 1515/4535