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共找到 33 筆符合的資料
明仇英松亭試泉圖 軸
濃郁的生活雅趣及文人氣質,也正是明人注重品茗環境的具體表現。 &*Tea Made from Spring Water in a Pine-shaded Pavilion Ch’iu Ying (ca.....more
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明人扇頭畫 冊 明周臣江帆山閣
of such Southern Sung (1127-1279) masters as Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yuan, and Hsia Kuei. Chou’s.....more
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元趙孟頫西園雅集圖 軸
. The work shows them in five groups around Su Shi, Li Gonglin, and Mi Fu doing calligraphy, painting.....more
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明周臣山亭納涼圖 軸
dynasty masters Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia Kuei. Chou’s experienced brush.....more
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明周臣松窗對奕圖 軸
on the works of the Sung masters Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia Kuei. Chou’s mature.....more
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明文徵明自書詩帖 卷
(1470-1559)was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. He studied calligraphy with Li Ying-chen (1431-1493.....more
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明周臣水亭清興圖 軸
畫圖錄,第六冊,頁309-310&*1.何傳馨,〈明周臣水亭清興〉,收入何傳馨、許郭璜編,《夏景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1991年七月初版),頁99。 &* 周臣(約西元一四五○至一.....more
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明藍瑛倣古山水 冊 泉壑山居
the painting an even brighter and more beautiful effect. This is the fifth leaf from Lan Ying’s “Album.....more
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明劉度畫春山臺榭 軸
hazily into the distance. In landscape painting Liu Tu studied with Lan Ying; he followed such Northern.....more
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明周臣畫閒看兒童捉柳花句意 軸
flowers?" and Yang Wan-li's, "I listlessly rise from my nap, idly watching children.....more
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清張廷彥畫登瀛洲圖 軸
painting academy. He was an excellent figure painter. Teng Ying-chou refers to an episode from.....more
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明文徵明書四體千文 卷
came from Hunan, he also went by the sobriquet Heng-shan chu-shih. He learned calligraphy from Li Ying.....more
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