搜尋:works 在 繪畫 分類當中


宋陳居中出獵圖 卷

宋陳居中出獵圖 卷

;an writings, references to his works occasionally appeared during the Ming. Most of these record.....more

明董其昌臨十七帖 卷

明董其昌臨十七帖 卷

. He frequently made free-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point that he would forget.....more

清余省東籬秀色 軸

清余省東籬秀色 軸

; Hsing was a native of Ch'ang-shu, Kiangsu. His dates are uncertain, but his extant works fall.....more

明錢穀石湖圖 卷

明錢穀石湖圖 卷

were especially interested in the scenic areas around their hometown. They did many works.....more

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

to two works in the Museum collection ("Birds and Flowers" attributed to Li Di and "Flowers.....more

清鄒一桂畫梨花夜月 軸

清鄒一桂畫梨花夜月 軸

. Also a famous flower painter at the early Qing court, his works are masterful and orderly. He left.....more

清陳士倌聖帝明王善端錄(漢) 冊

清陳士倌聖帝明王善端錄(漢) ...

, giving the people a respite from war, makes offerings in a hall. These didactic works were meant.....more

宋人觀梅圖 軸

宋人觀梅圖 軸

corner of the roof. A tall pine works its way into the open air like a bent iron rod. Tnis method.....more

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(四)

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(四)

of his works have survived. This work is a leaf from "Album of Peony Paintings," depicting two peonies.....more

宋拓聖教序 冊

宋拓聖教序 冊

anyone realize that it would one day return to Taiwan some 200 years later with the Palace Museum works.....more

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 冊

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 ...

國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2046&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁99-100&*故宮歷代法書全集,第二十四冊,頁30-47、143&*董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年.....more

明董其昌臨褚遂良蘭亭敘 冊

明董其昌臨褚遂良蘭亭敘 冊

. He often made copied works. His semi-cursive and standard scripts were praised as the best of his.....more

清王翬夏山?雨圖 卷

清王翬夏山?雨圖 卷

in painting, they also took him to see many famous collections, where he was able to copy the works of many.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

-from-life” works of the Sung dynasty. This is the first leaf in the album “Collected Paintings.....more

明仇英畫園居圖王寵題 卷

明仇英畫園居圖王寵題 卷

, Hsiang Sheng-piao, said of Ch’iu Ying that "he has seen over a thousand Sung and Yüan works.....more


works 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋