搜尋:works 在 繪畫 分類當中


明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

and copying works of art that he often neglected to sleep or eat. His running and standard scripts were.....more

清賀清泰畫黃鷹 軸

清賀清泰畫黃鷹 軸

works. This falcon had been submitted as tribute by Beile (Lord) Kerchin in 1791.&*1.王耀庭、陳韻如,〈清賀清泰.....more

清超揆杜牧詩意圖 軸

清超揆杜牧詩意圖 軸

landscapes revealing a style of composition which is immediately distinctive. Many of his works depict.....more

清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

paintings derived from the style of Yün Shou-p’ing. Many of his best works were commissioned.....more

清允禧江山秋霽 卷

清允禧江山秋霽 卷

be considered one of Yün Hsi’s best works. 本幅 21.5x215.8公分、隔水一 9.4公分、隔水二 9.3公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 愛新覺羅允禧 數位化執.....more

清程志道眉香萬年 冊

清程志道眉香萬年 冊

works are most distinctive and his use of the brush is very precise and meticulous. The ts’un stro.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清瑛寶畫荷

藝林清賞 冊 清瑛寶畫荷

, and carving seals, but he was most skilled in finger painting. Because of the simplicity of his works.....more

昇平樂事圖 冊

昇平樂事圖 冊

院兒童嬉戲情景,或提燈、放風箏、騎馬射箭等歡樂情景,依精麗之畫風看來,可能為清宮畫院畫家所作。 &*Peace and Joy Anonymous These works are from.....more

清夏宗輅畫壽字花卉冊頁 冊 木蘭

清夏宗輅畫壽字花卉冊頁 冊 木...

. Although conveying a message of birthday blessings, theser works also express the beauty of flowers.....more

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

) and successfully emulated the calligraphic styles of many old masters. Of his surviving works, pieces.....more

明文徵明尺牘 卷

明文徵明尺牘 卷

model. Living to the venerable age of 89, his extant works are quite numerous. In this letter.....more

清程志道摹丁雲鵬羅漢 卷

清程志道摹丁雲鵬羅漢 卷

was his figure painting in which he copied the works of the late Ming master Ting Yün-p’eng. His use.....more

明董其昌書千文 冊

明董其昌書千文 冊

and an outstanding connoisseur. He frequently made free-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point.....more

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

. He frequently made free-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point that he would.....more

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point that he would forget to eat or sleep. His.....more


works 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋