搜尋:window 在 繪畫 分類當中


披薰集古 冊 明鄭重畫閒窗對語

披薰集古 冊 明鄭重畫閒窗對語

as the reincarnation of the famed Chao Po-chü. Visible through the bright window, two scholars chat.....more

明文徵明花卉 冊 南國聯芬

明文徵明花卉 冊 南國聯芬

that he saw before his window. 本幅 32.5x53.7公分、全幅 44x64公分 明世宗嘉靖十二年(1533) 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 文徵明 數位化執行單位:國立故.....more

明人山水 軸

明人山水 軸

reading by a window. The technique of the painting is close to that of Tu Ch’iung and Liu Chüeh.....more

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

an open pavilion, in which a scholar sits on a small daybed. At the rear window are two servant girls.....more

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

, while below are eaves with propped window covers (which let in air and light and are often used.....more

清曾國荃楷書七言聯 軸

清曾國荃楷書七言聯 軸

window is placed Tao’s bed” and “The Pan Palace first selected Duke Xi of Lu.” The lines come from.....more

宋人聽琴圖 軸

宋人聽琴圖 軸

畫縱然不必歸入周氏名下,亦屬風格相近之系列作品。&*A scholar is shown seated by a window strumming a ch'in lute while a group.....more

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀書

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀...

by the window, while two servants hurry along the covered waldway carrying a box of books and a tea.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

, a scholar sits gazing out a window enjoying flowers. In front of a house set further to the right are willow.....more

民國吳淑娟西湖圖 軸

民國吳淑娟西湖圖 軸

. This work donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i uses a window compositional format to depict West Lake at Hangchow.....more

元曹知白貞松白雪軒圖 軸

元曹知白貞松白雪軒圖 軸

with almost audible gurgling. By the window of the hut is a figure gazing up attentively. A crane walks.....more

明周臣松窗對奕圖 軸

明周臣松窗對奕圖 軸

傳世佳作。&*Playing chess by a Pine-Shaded Window Chou Ch’en (ca. 1450-1535) Ming Dynasty Chou Ch’en.....more

宋人畫南唐耿先生煉雪圖 軸

宋人畫南唐耿先生煉雪圖 軸

adepts sitting at a window. The artist applied refined and even lines to paint the palace, which.....more

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

, and pines. In this painting, bamboo grow before a window, a bridge stretches before a weeping.....more

明文徵明花卉 冊 芳塘淨植

明文徵明花卉 冊 芳塘淨植

Mountain at Tung-t'ing. Inspired, Wen completed this album based on the flowers seen before his window.....more

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