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唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 喬松臥兔石罅流泉

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 喬松臥兔...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 枯樹五羊磐陀流水

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 枯樹五羊...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 灌木游蜂山貓出谷

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 灌木游蜂...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 綠蕪春嶼老幹紅英

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 綠蕪春嶼...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 立石葵花下襯雜卉

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 立石葵花...

for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun. These ten.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 石岸淙流芙蓉蘸水

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 石岸淙流...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 水仙倚石上有積雪

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 水仙倚石...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 秋塘蘋蓼照影蜻蜓

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 秋塘蘋蓼...

in Szechwan for over thirty years, where he taught many pupils such as Huang Ch'üan and K'ung Sun.....more

元吳鎮秋江漁隱 軸

元吳鎮秋江漁隱 軸

Wen T'ung (1019-1079). Wu Chen succeeded in absorbing the styles of these previous masters, to which.....more

明崔子忠桐陰博古圖 軸

明崔子忠桐陰博古圖 軸

and Ts’ui of the North.” Under the luxuriant cover of the wu’t’ung trees, a number of scholars examine.....more

明邢慈靜畫大士 軸

明邢慈靜畫大士 軸

of the calligrapher Hsin T'ung and was famous for paintings of bamboo, rock and pai-miao (outline.....more

元王振鵬龍池競渡圖 卷

元王振鵬龍池競渡圖 卷

was opened on the 3rd day of the 3rd month in the Ch'ung-ning reign (1102-1106) under the Sung emperor Hui.....more

明仇英蟠桃仙會 卷

明仇英蟠桃仙會 卷

for the "Flat Peach Assembly". In Journey to the West, the Monkey King Sun Wu-k'ung was ennobled by the Jade.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野...

開。&*Hui-ch'ung was a native of Chien-yang in Fukien province. A famous monk of the Northern Sung.....more

宋薛紹彭雜書 卷

宋薛紹彭雜書 卷

-ch’ing”, “Tso-mien”, and “T'ung-ch'üan” mounted together into a single handscroll. Judging.....more

第 9 頁
共 11 頁

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