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共找到 910 筆符合的資料
名繪集珍 冊 宋閻次平松磴精廬
emulating though not surpassing that of Li T'ang (ca. 1049-after 1130). This work, the sixth from.....more
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清董誥夏山十幀 冊 松巖銷夏
name His-ching and sobriquets Che-lin and T’a-lin) was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. The son.....more
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宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸
to the T'ai-hang mountains as a bandit. After he met the famed artist Li T'ang.....more
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歷代聖賢半身像 冊 陶淵明
聖賢 高士(士人、隱士) 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁64-66&*Portrait of T’ao Yüan-ming Anonymous Undated.....more
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唐尉遲乙僧護國天王像 軸
the late T'ang dynasty. The deity appears here surrounded by supporting figures. Traditionally.....more
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明唐寅松溪獨釣圖 軸
,已與溪山漁隱卷甚為近似。而溪山漁隱卷畫風當已過四十。此幀用薄宣紙,膠礬不重,故墨色較濃而筆多滯隔,畫人物亦涉意草率,成畫時期,疑在三十六歲。&*1505 T’ang Yin Fishing.....more
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清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸
a poem by the T’ang poet Yüan Chen entitled the Lien-ch’ang Palace. T’ang Ming-huang and his.....more
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清張照書御製芝蘭曲 軸
。&*Chang Chao (style name Te-t'ien; sobriquets Ching-nan, Wu-ch'uang, and T'ien-p'ing Chü-shih.....more
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清金廷標畫移桃圖 軸
綠樹青村。一人扶筇立窗外•課童子種桃花。筆墨精到。惟不免作家氣重些。 &* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng, Chekiang. Chin T.....more
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山石樹木屋宇人物,用筆細緻,無一筆鬆懈,為其盛年功力精至之作,畫上題款字用小篆,在他處亦不多見,唐寅三十歲後學周臣,此圖技法頗盡其精髓。本幅為「文沈唐仇便面合裝」冊第五開。 &* T’ang Yin.....more
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