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共找到 12 筆符合的資料
清何紹基楷書六屏 軸
國立故宮博物院 何應欽將軍遺贈書畫展圖錄,頁20-21,99-100 &*何紹基(一七九九~一八七三),字子貞,別號蝯叟,湖南道縣人。道光十六年進士,曾任翰林院編修,先後在山東、湖南、浙江等地講學.....more
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清何紹基行書八言聯 鏡片
and went back further to the Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, even to the Northern and Southern steles.....more
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清鄭汝器(簠)隸書 軸
of the ancients in spirit. Thereafter he learned directly after the calligraphy of Han steles.....more
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清康有為行書四屏 軸
of Zhu Jiujiang. Residing in the capital, he was able to view steles of the Qin, Han, and Northern.....more
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宋賢書翰 冊 宋揚旡咎尺牘
, Yang Wujiu “studied the style of Shuaigeng (Ouyang Xun) to change his manner and copied many steles.....more
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民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸
clerical script calligraphy on a cliff. T’ai Chin-nung copied much from Han steles, with most of his.....more
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元趙孟頫書朱子感興詩 卷
Meng-fu's calligraphy for steles rather resembles Li Yung's "Yueh-lu-tzu-lo" script. The present.....more
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元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊
of (Mengfu) with the angles slightly exposed.” Yu He often copied famous works and steles.....more
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