搜尋:slope 在 繪畫 分類當中


明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

of the bamboo leaves and grass was done with incisive brushwork. The brush strokes in the slope and rocks.....more

元黃公望溪山草閣 軸

元黃公望溪山草閣 軸

of the foreground scenery here features a slope extending outward with a small kiosk standing above the water.....more

元黃公望鐵崖圖 軸

元黃公望鐵崖圖 軸

of a slope with a small bridge at the right and scattered homes. The left part of the middle.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

. Near the top there is a flat slope which, when combined with the willow trees on the left.....more

宋趙昌四喜圖 軸

宋趙昌四喜圖 軸

Leiothrix perch and jump among plum branches, bamboo, and camellias on a rocky slope. This type.....more

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明袁尚統支硎春色

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明袁尚統支硎...

are pictured here. Men and donkeys rest beneath the willows, while others ascend the slope on foot.....more

民國吳子深山水 軸

民國吳子深山水 軸

a foreground revealing three tall gnarled pines on a rocky slope. In the middleground are landscape.....more

元郭畀寫高使君意 軸

元郭畀寫高使君意 軸

bamboo, trees, and rocks. Tall pines stand on the rocky slope of a stream and in the cloud-wrapped.....more

元人畫虎 軸

元人畫虎 軸

, a large tiger stands on a slope under a pine tree in front of a stream. The decorative features.....more

元盛懋春塘禽樂 軸

元盛懋春塘禽樂 軸

slope in the middle of the pond, while swallows chase the spring light--a scene typical.....more

元陳琳畫寒林鍾馗 軸

元陳琳畫寒林鍾馗 軸

with the slope and composition) are similar to those in "Chung K'uei in a Wintry Grove" by Wen Cheng.....more

明陸治久安大吉圖 軸

明陸治久安大吉圖 軸

, and painting, in the latter his individual style was pure and elegant. On a slope by a stream are various.....more

宋人千巖萬壑 軸

宋人千巖萬壑 軸

the marshy stream in the valley. Three large pines rise on the foreground slope, while a stream meanders.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋牟益茸坡促織

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋牟益茸坡...

", a pair of crickets perhaps looking for a meal is shown on a grassy slope with chrysanthemum.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

hillocks: on the left slope, protrudes a pair of crooked, interwining pines. A traveller sits.....more

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