搜尋:shows 在 繪畫 分類當中


元柯九思晚香高節 軸

元柯九思晚香高節 軸

copies of an example which he himself owned. This work shows one bamboo plant, painted with powerful.....more

元馬琬喬岫幽居 軸

元馬琬喬岫幽居 軸

the Three Perfections-poetry, calligraphy, and painting. This work shows many plateaus and sheer.....more

宋人畫達摩像 軸

宋人畫達摩像 軸

Bodhidharma left this world. This picture shows Bodhidharma seated with his legs crossed on a grass mat.....more

集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖

集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖

in the Museum collection attributed to Yen Li-pen. That work also shows foreigners bringing tribute.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋毛益紅蓼雙鳧

宋元集繪 冊 宋毛益紅蓼雙鳧

一六五─一一七三年)的畫院待詔。 &*This work shows a pair of ducks at the edge of a sandy shoal. The male with its.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿

宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿

noted for his depictions of chickens. This painting shows two deer in the shade of pine trees.....more

名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 明倪瑛坐看洗馬

名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 明倪瑛坐...

technique shows the influence of Chou Ch’en and T’ang Yin. The brushwork is simultaneously fluid and clear.....more

漢三老諱字忌日刻石墨拓 軸

漢三老諱字忌日刻石墨拓 軸

. This important early Eastern Han stone carving shows a transitional style before clerical script’s maturation.....more

明項元汴倣蘇軾壽星竹 軸

明項元汴倣蘇軾壽星竹 軸

. This work shows 2 stalks of slender bamboo in tranquil ink by stones on a slope. The brushwork.....more

清沈全畫桂花 軸

清沈全畫桂花 軸

, but it is unclear if he is the same artist who did this work, which shows an old, coiled cassia tree in full.....more

明詹景鳳漁樂圖 卷

明詹景鳳漁樂圖 卷

a connoisseur and the author of several books. This painting shows the subject of boating on a river.....more

民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

at will. This painting donated by Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao was done in 1920 and shows a skiff making its way under.....more

元人漁莊秋色 軸

元人漁莊秋色 軸

appear most relaxed, as if not thinking of fishing. On the bank, a village shows a wine-seller's.....more

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

hidharma broke off a reed and stepped on it to cross the river to the Northern Wei state. This work shows.....more

明張元士畫水仙 軸

明張元士畫水仙 軸

the wilderness.’ The long colophon by the artist, which states that this work was finished in 1572, shows.....more

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