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民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

and thus serve as an auspicious wish for "Longevity and prosperity." Qi’s forms here are simple yet.....more

清陳年紅梅 軸

清陳年紅梅 軸

script especially rich in the harmony of Mi Fu’s brushwork from the Northern Song. This painting.....more

明惲向仿巨然山水 軸

明惲向仿巨然山水 軸

;an painters Ni Tsan and Huang Kung-wang. Yün Hsiang’s nephew Yün Shou-p’ing, an important.....more

民國吳子深山水 軸

民國吳子深山水 軸

, “Looking up lofty and wide, a river reflects the sky’s end. In a blur of misty green, lofty peaks reveal.....more

清戴本孝山水冊 冊

清戴本孝山水冊 冊

of rocks and trees but with more watery ink. Tai’s description of earthen forms often conceals outlines.....more

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊 花港觀魚

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊 花港觀...

to that of Ma Yüan's landscapes. The brushwork is simple and pure, emphasizing pure elegance.....more

元倪瓚畫譜 冊

元倪瓚畫譜 冊

of landscapes as well as bamboo and rocks. Ni Tsan's nephew Hua Tzu-wen once sought to study.....more

元張雨書七言律詩 軸

元張雨書七言律詩 軸

studied calligraphy under Chao Meng-fu, and his running and standard scripts clearly reveal Chao's.....more

元陸廣仙山樓觀 軸

元陸廣仙山樓觀 軸

of light. The brushwork derives from the Kuo Hsi tradition. According to Tung Ch'i-ch'ang's.....more

元張中枯荷鸂鶒 軸

元張中枯荷鸂鶒 軸

ken stem extend below the surface of the water, which is quite rare in Chinese painting. The artist's.....more

元顧安畫墨竹 軸

元顧安畫墨竹 軸

以聽到呼嘯的風聲和葉片摩擦的聲音。前後兩竹,一濃一淡,好像隔了一層淡淡的霧氣,剛直秀勁中又有婀娜溫婉之意。&*Ku An's dates are unknown, but his works.....more

宋李公麟苦吟圖 卷

宋李公麟苦吟圖 卷

of his figural subjects by appearance alone. This work bears neither the artist’s signature nor his.....more

元楊維禎歲寒圖 軸

元楊維禎歲寒圖 軸

of which poke outwards. It is a perfect image of unsullied strength. The artist's poem also has a fine ring.....more

元倪瓚脩竹圖 軸

元倪瓚脩竹圖 軸

. But there are those who insist on criticizing Ni's bamboo as resembling water-reeds, what can.....more

元巴顏布哈古壑雲松圖 軸

元巴顏布哈古壑雲松圖 軸

üan Dynasty, Pa-yen Pu-ha's name is listed as Po-yen Pu-hua Te-chin. A Mongolian by origin from.....more


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