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元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

changes in Chao's calligraphy. In his early years he imitated the style of the Sung emperor Kao.....more

元人書全部法華經塔 軸

元人書全部法華經塔 軸

。&*This is a painting of a Buddhist stûpa on which the entire text of the Lotus Sûtra including.....more

宋四家集冊 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

宋四家集冊 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

is fluent and changes beautifully, like Yu Shinan’s style but different from other Cai works.....more

清王武花卉 冊 荷葉蓼花

清王武花卉 冊 荷葉蓼花

of the academy style. Only Wang Wu’s works give true sense of reality and vitality. Would classify.....more

明董其昌書畫 冊 倣黃公望石徑秋嵐

明董其昌書畫 冊 倣黃公望石徑...

to develop a style of his own. Since Dong Qichang had seen about thirty works in Huang Gongwang’s name.....more

明文徵明書過庭復語十節 卷

明文徵明書過庭復語十節 卷

-ming was seventy-two years old, in compliance with a friend's request to transcribe theTen Paternal.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 元夜

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 元夜

1573-1619) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin’s painting depicts a nighttime scene of the Lantern.....more

清周鯤繪高宗御書范成大祭?詞 軸

清周鯤繪高宗御書范成大祭?詞 ...

r service as a court painter under the Ch’ien-lung Emperor. This painting illustrates Fan Ch’eng-ta’s.....more

清宋駿業林亭煙岫 軸

清宋駿業林亭煙岫 軸

is based on one of Ni Tsan’s paintings; the ground lines, however, of both the background.....more

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明袁尚統支硎春色

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明袁尚統支硎...

in Chih Hsing Yüan Shang-t’ung (b. 1570) Ming Dynasty Depicted here is Kiangsu Province’s Chih.....more

元俞和臨王帖 軸

元俞和臨王帖 軸

; was able to brilliantly emulate Chao's running and grass scripts. Someone consequently signed Chao's.....more

元顧安竹石 軸

元顧安竹石 軸

鋒,勁利而凝重。所作小筍,用筆婉轉盡態,可謂得其神似矣。本幅成於至正十九年(一三六O)。&*Ku An's dates are unknown, but his works are dated.....more

宋人十八學士圖 軸

宋人十八學士圖 軸

,堪稱佳作。&*A gathering of refined, scholarly gentlemen has convened beneath this garden's tall pine.....more

元趙孟頫魚籃大士像  軸

元趙孟頫魚籃大士像  軸

"The Kuan-yin Chapter" from the Lotus Sûtra or the Diamond Sûtra. As it turned out, many were.....more

元馬琬畫秋江釣艇 軸

元馬琬畫秋江釣艇 軸

of literati painting. The texturing of the mountain is based on Tung Yüan's style. The use of brush.....more


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