秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁110 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁162 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁61-62&*1.李玉珉,〈(傳)元趙孟頫魚籃大士像〉,收入李玉珉主編,《觀音特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2000年初版),頁200-202。 &*據說,陝西有一位手提魚籃賣魚的絕世美女,許多男子都想娶她為妻,所以這位女子就說,若有男子能一夜背好〈普門品〉或《金剛經》,她就嫁給他,結果能背誦的人數眾多。後來她說,若有人在三天內能背誦《法華經》,她便和此人成親。結果只有一位馬姓青年能背,她依約成婚,入門不久就病死了。後來人們才知道這位美女就是觀音化現。這幅畫中手提魚籃的婦女就是魚籃觀音,又稱馬郎婦觀音。&*It is said that there once was a beautiful maiden who sold fish from a basket. With many suitors, she said that she would marry the man who could memorize overnight "The Kuan-yin Chapter" from the Lotus Sûtra or the Diamond Sûtra. As it turned out, many were able to do so. She thereupon said that she would betroth the suitor who could memorize the entire text of the Lotus Sûtra in 3 days. Only one young man, surnamed Ma, succeeded and they thereupon married. Immediately afterwards, however, she fell ill and died. Only then was it learned that the girl was a manifestation of Kuan-yin. This work (attributed to Chao Meng-fu but probably of the Ming dynasty) represents Kuan-yin of the Fish Basket, also known as Mrs. Ma Kuan-yin.