搜尋:running standard script 在 繪畫 分類當中


明陳璧書五言古詩 軸

明陳璧書五言古詩 軸

standard script was like that of Ouyang Xun, and his running cursive similar to Wang Xianzhi’s. Chen’s.....more

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 鮮于樞臨王獻之鵝群帖

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 鮮于樞臨王...

in art. In running-standard script he turned to the Jin and Tang masters, while in cursive script he.....more

明王逢元書七言律詩 軸

明王逢元書七言律詩 軸

of characters. The brushwork of these nine poems, written in the running and standard scripts, reflects.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

Great Northern Sung Masters of calligraphy. Ts'ai's running script followed that of Chin and T'ang.....more

明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

, but his small standard and running scripts were the most unique. His style reached back to Chin.....more

元管道昇書孝經 卷

元管道昇書孝經 卷

in standard script, and the Women's Classic of Filial Piety has been appended. The brushwork is elegant.....more

明祝允明臨黃庭經 卷

明祝允明臨黃庭經 卷

to specialize in standard, running, and cursive script. Known for “learning from everyone and gifted.....more

清趙之謙楷書八言聯 軸

清趙之謙楷書八言聯 軸

. The manner of this couplet falls in between standard and running script, and it bears a sense of unrestraint.....more

民國羅振玉臨新莽銅器銘 軸

民國羅振玉臨新莽銅器銘 軸

, and running standard scripts. This work (donated by Messrs. Lin Zongyi and Lin Chengdao) was done in 1920.....more

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

by Yu in standard script. The fluent and graceful brushwork complements the solid and archaic.....more

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

) and a chin-shih degree holder who went on to serve in the Ministry of Rites. His running standard script.....more

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

-shih degree holder who went on to serve in the Ministry of Rites. His running standard script.....more

元管道昇竹溪攬勝 軸

元管道昇竹溪攬勝 軸

despite having had no formal training. She was also a follower of Buddhism. Her running and standard.....more

唐褚遂良臨王獻之飛鳥帖 卷

唐褚遂良臨王獻之飛鳥帖 卷

at running script. Calligraphy is known as beautiful writing, the strokes and characters having a rhythmic.....more

宋元墨寶 冊 元張雨書五言律詩

宋元墨寶 冊 元張雨書五言律詩

. His running script has the grace and fluidity of Chao's style, but his individual and untrammeled.....more

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running standard script 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋