搜尋:rocks 在 繪畫 分類當中


元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

Rocks and Pines". Ni then rendered a copy, which he gave to his friend Wen-po and which is the wor.....more

五代南唐巨然秋山圖 軸

五代南唐巨然秋山圖 軸

and rocks while layers of washes imbue them with a sense of dampness. This unsigned painting bears.....more

元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸

元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸

guests are approaching. The artist used a rough brush to broadly outline the rocks and mountains.....more

清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸

清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸

of a brush. All the trees and rocks were rendered with the finger tip and fingernail dipped in ink.....more

清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸

清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸

line and dry ts’un, regularly spaced, are used to define the texture of the rocks. The clumps.....more

明李宗謨蘭亭修褉圖 卷

明李宗謨蘭亭修褉圖 卷

was repeated through the ages, as seen here. The fluent lines of the banks and rocks reveal.....more

清永瑢畫山水 軸

清永瑢畫山水 軸

and rocks Yung first used a slanted brush to add che-tai ts’un(several-belt texture strokes)which give.....more

清唐岱倣王蒙山水 軸

清唐岱倣王蒙山水 軸

a closely-interweaving texture of mountains and rocks; a wood glimmers in the background. Both.....more

明徐渭畫竹 卷

明徐渭畫竹 卷

, and rocks. He evalutated his own works and saying “My calligraphy ranks first; my poetry, second; my.....more

清王鑑畫秋山圖 軸

清王鑑畫秋山圖 軸

certain details in the handling of the trees and rocks; the general structuring and texturing.....more

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

of rocks, creating an uneven texture and outline. Wang repeatedly applied layers of malachite green.....more

宋郭熙畫山水 軸

宋郭熙畫山水 軸

the wonderfully painted mountains and rocks which exactly capture the mysterious atmosphere of the wild, watery.....more

宋馬遠板橋踏雪圖 軸

宋馬遠板橋踏雪圖 軸

blossoms. Rocks are described with sharp ax-cut texture strokes, and the trees are formed with powerful.....more

宋夏珪歸棹圖 軸

宋夏珪歸棹圖 軸

of the painting. A small path cuts through grasses and rocks to a pier. A solitary figure in a small boat.....more

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

a dry brush and describing rocks and mountains with dry and withered texture strokes. The range.....more


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