搜尋:openings 在 繪畫 分類當中


宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

with openings. One views a painting and the other washes his hands. The scholar sitting on an armchair.....more

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

the legs are intricately carved cusped openings, and the feet are in the shape of scepters.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

increased. The large box-shaped platform with cusped openings, for example, became wider and could be used.....more

宋人戲貓圖 軸

宋人戲貓圖 軸

. The round drum-stool with side openings is also known as an "embroidered stool." Shaped like a drum.....more

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

in floral patterns, and in between the legs are cusped openings. The seat of the stool is made.....more

五代後蜀黃筌勘書圖 軸

五代後蜀黃筌勘書圖 軸

openings. Three sides of the platform are decorated with low screen paintings depicting bamboo.....more

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

panels are carved cusped openings defined by scepter-shaped legs resting on the large ground.....more

宋人維摩圖 軸

宋人維摩圖 軸

are believed to a raised line and cut to fit. The panels inside the frame and the cusped openings below.....more

清沈全墨牡丹 軸

清沈全墨牡丹 軸

waist with decorative openings and long legs with runners, the space between which is rendered.....more

清畫院畫十二月月令圖十二月 軸

清畫院畫十二月月令圖十二月 軸

into the open spaces. Wall openings also provide continuation between individual areas. Several aspects.....more


openings 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋