搜尋:material 在 繪畫 分類當中


元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

of material, brushwork or application of color, this section is different from the other two scrolls.....more

元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

àkyamuni's left and right. In terms of material, brushwork or application of color.....more

明顧正誼山水 軸

明顧正誼山水 軸

teacher lends new material to Chinese painting history. If we were to compare the works of the two.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋朱銳雪澗盤車

集古名繪 冊 宋朱銳雪澗盤車

figures and landscapes. In the Northern Sung, transporting food and material from the south.....more

元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

and right. In terms of material, brushwork or application of color, this section is different from.....more

明李士達坐聽松風圖 軸

明李士達坐聽松風圖 軸

attention to the material aspects of Ming tea culture. &*李士達(西元十七世紀),號仰懷,姑蘇人(現江蘇吳縣)。四棵高聳虯松,松下一士人雙手抱膝靠石而坐.....more

宋緙絲喜報生孫圖 軸

宋緙絲喜報生孫圖 軸

the Sung dynasty. The material used for the weft threads here includes not only silk threads.....more

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

of a woven wicker or bamboo material, and the border decoration accords with sumptuous decorative ideals.....more

清柳遇畫鶯粟 軸

清柳遇畫鶯粟 軸

and vessels all being marvelous. The seedpod of the poppy is a source of raw material for opium and natural.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

lackluster appearance, while the material in the weaving is coarser and heavier. The weaving, however.....more

元趙孟頫甕牖圖 卷

元趙孟頫甕牖圖 卷

him, showing that a gentleman takes joy in the Way by virtue, not material wealth. No texture strokes.....more


material 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋