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共找到 239 筆符合的資料
五代南唐巨然蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 軸
洽,漸漸地,辯才對翼不加防備。有一天,趁辯才和尚外出,翼便偷走蘭亭真蹟。 &The monk Chü-jan, a native of Nanking.....more
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元人雜書 卷 饒介書中峰幻住像...
name Chieh-chih and sobriquets Hua-kai shan-chiao, Tsui-chiao, and Fu-ch'iu-kung t'ung-tzu.....more
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明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
, Lu Chih was teaching at Lake Ch’en when his friend Li Chao-hsiang visited him and presented him.....more
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明李流芳畫唐人詩意 冊 韋應物...
and Horizontal Clouds Li Liu-fang (1575-1629) Ming Dynasty Li Liu-fang (style names Mao-tsai and Ch’ang.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...
-ch'ing(709-785)and Yang Ning-shih(873-957), his calligraphy not inferior to that of Li Yung(678-747.....more
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宋四家集冊 冊 宋蘇軾書跋語
studied the styles of Wang Hsi-chih, Yen Chen-ch'ing, Li Yung, and Yang Ning-shih, but the influence.....more
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ynasty. On the 23rd day of the second lunar month of 1536 Cheng-ming wrote a long poem in praise of Li Ch.....more
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元趙孟頫書閒居賦 卷
diligently. The Attendant Censor Ch'eng Chu-fu was commanded by the Yuan emperor to seek out the reclusive.....more
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清班達里沙人參花 軸
is known about Pan-ta-li-sha’s life other than he lived during the reign of K’ang Hsi (1662.....more
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明王寵書韓愈送李愿歸盤谷序 卷
意相隨。 &*Wang Ch'ung, a native of Soochow, excelled at calligraphy and literature. The calligraphy.....more
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元李衎四季平安圖 軸
,嫋嫋如在輕煙薄霧中。&*Li K'an, a native of Hopeh province, was a Grand Academician at the Hall of Scholarly.....more
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元李衎四季平安圖 軸
,嫋嫋如在輕煙薄霧中。&*Li K'an, a native of Hopeh province, was a Grand Academician at the Hall of Scholarly.....more
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宋李公麟百佛來朝 卷
麟之作。&*Li Kung-lin was a native of Shu-ch’eng, Anhei. His style name was Po-shih and his sobriquet.....more
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