故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁32&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁327-332&*李公麟(西元1049-1106年),安徽舒城人。字伯時,號龍眠居士。熙寧中進士,為中書門下省刪定官,元符三年(1100)病痺致仕,歸老龍眠山。善山水、人物,兼工畫馬。畫十六羅漢遊憩山林中,天王、侍者及龍、虎、猿、鶴、鹿追隨左右。畫木、石、動物多用筆之中鋒,蒼勁渾厚,畫衣紋多類蘭葉描法,特饒飄舉瀟灑之趣。舊傳,本幅為李公麟之作。&*Li Kung-lin was a native of Shu-ch’eng, Anhei. His style name was Po-shih and his sobriquet Lung-mien chu-shih. He passed the civil examination and earned a chin-shih degree during the Hsi-ning reign (1068-1077). In 1100, he retired to Mount Lung-mien. His landscapes, figure, and horses paintings are all excellent. Sixteen lohans stroll in the woods. They are escorted by guardian kings , attendants, dragons, tigers, apes, cranes, and deer. Drawn with a centered brush, trees, rocks, and animals are all done with strength. The drapery folds are painted with orchid-leaf brushstrokes, showing free, elegant and flowing quality. The painting is traditionally attributed to Li Kung-lin.