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共找到 239 筆符合的資料
宋人法書(三) 冊 宋吳說致大...
大,頗能發揮抑揚頓挫及牽絲帶絡之筆趣,世吳說晚期之佳作。 本幅為「宋人法書」第三冊第七開。&*Wu Yüeh(style name Ch'uan-fu; sobriquet Lien-t.....more
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宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君
股疏朗的情趣,其勁處則表現在筆劃的力量。此件下筆以尖削居多,而轉折處也顯得方硬,單字之結體往往置重心於一角。本幅選自「宋林逋手札二帖」冊第二幅。&*Lin P'u (style name Ch.....more
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宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君
股疏朗的情趣,其勁處則表現在筆劃的力量。此件下筆以尖削居多,而轉折處也顯得方硬,單字之結體往往置重心於一角。本幅選自「宋林逋手札二帖」冊第二幅。&*Lin P'u (style name Ch.....more
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元趙孟頫重江疊嶂 卷
, full-bodied brushwork. The other is from Li Ch'eng and Kuo His, in which the brushwork is crisp.....more
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明鄭重畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸
Ch’ien-li, sobriquet Wu-cho) was originally from Hsi County, located in today’s Anhui Province.....more
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明文臺香象皈依圖 軸
軀拉長,巨石造形怪異,菩薩衣紋和白象的皮褶又似平行的線條表現,頗具變形之趣。全作筆墨高古,富於變化。 &* Wen T’ai (style name Yün-ch’eng.....more
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明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸
-i, a native of the Shanghai area, was a drafter at court in the Wan-li era (1573-1620). Noted.....more
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宋劉松年秋林縱牧圖 軸
出神情專注的神態。&*Liu Sung-nien was a native of Ch'ien-t'ang, Chekiang (modern Hangchow). During the Ch'un.....more
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明宋旭雲巒秋瀑圖 軸
(Chekiang province), his style name was Ch’u-yang and his sobriquet Shih-men. In his later years he became.....more
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清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸
that this snow scene was painted in the manner of Li Ch’eng, making it quite unusual among his surviving.....more
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明仇英松亭試泉圖 軸
濃郁的生活雅趣及文人氣質,也正是明人注重品茗環境的具體表現。 &*Tea Made from Spring Water in a Pine-shaded Pavilion Ch’iu Ying (ca.....more
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五代南唐周文矩仕女圖 軸
,乃有此標題。 &*Chou Wen-ch', a native of Ch'-jung, Chien-k'ang (modern Nan-king), served the Southern T.....more
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