搜尋:later work 在 繪畫 分類當中


明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

面畫於六十五歲時,老幹虬枝,素花如雪,全得梅花疏傲之致。 &* Chin Chün-ming (original name Chin Kun, tzu Chiu-chang; later.....more

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下吹笛

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...

. Furthermore, the figure is fine but not stiff, indicating that this probably is a later work by Ch’iu Ying.....more

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

)&*Ni Zan painted this work in 1372 during the early Ming dynasty, two years later inscribing.....more

宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

river. Earthen forms, textured and washed into cloud-like shapes, reflect the later influence of Kuo.....more

明呂紀秋鷺芙蓉圖 軸

明呂紀秋鷺芙蓉圖 軸

painter, Pien Wen-chin. He later emulated the works of the T’ang (618-907) and the Sung.....more

明文徵明朱竹 軸

明文徵明朱竹 軸

on later Ming art circles. Paintings of bamboo are often done in black ink, but here the artist used.....more

清王翬臨范寬雪山圖 軸

清王翬臨范寬雪山圖 軸

Chien and Wang Shih-min, but later ceaselessly copied Sung and Yüan dynasty (10th-14th c.) works.....more

明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸

明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸

Shen Chou’s late work. Shen Chou’s friend Wu K’uan inscribed the painting.....more

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州帖

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州...

here, making this work distinct from his large character calligraphy. This piece entered the Sung.....more

清華嵒午日鍾馗 軸

清華嵒午日鍾馗 軸

it was popular to hang column images of Zhong Kui to expel demons and avert calamity. Later in the Ming.....more

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊

Ying, a native of T’ai-ch’ang in Kiangsu, originally was a lacquer craftsman who later studied.....more

明文徵明松下觀泉圖 軸

明文徵明松下觀泉圖 軸

a great influence on later Ming painting. In this painting sit two gentlemen.....more

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

陰陽,理當操心此類事物,所以我才問牛何以喘氣。」&*This painting has no signature of the artist. The content of the work.....more

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

'an was probably of even greater influence. In fact, this work has a commentary by Li K'an, who praised kao.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶磐石帶草

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶...

. This work from the album "Flowers Sketched from Life by Tiao Kuang-yin" shows a pair of butterflies.....more


later work 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋