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共找到 104 筆符合的資料
明莫是龍東岡草堂圖 軸
stone once held by Mi Fei came into his possession, and he took his style name, Yün-ch’ing, from.....more
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元曹善書山海經(四) 冊
and cursive scripts, however, he followed the styles of the two Wangs. His brother, Ts'ao Shih-ch.....more
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明趙左秋林書屋圖 軸
Hsü and followed the style of Tung Yüan with a touch of those of Ni Tsan and Huang Kung.....more
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清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸
世。 本幅作於五十八歲,水墨畫雪景自謂仿李成,為王原祁傳世作品中較鮮見。畫中山石層疊,松林枯木參錯,森森鬱鬱,蒼涼荒率,一派嚴冬景象。 &* Wang Yűan-ch’i, a native.....more
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明董其昌秋林晚翠 卷
採披麻皴,並以水墨暈染,雖仿自黃公望、趙孟頫,仍具有率筆寫意的董氏特色。&* Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, a native of the Shanghai area.....more
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名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀
居圖成另一面目,或即「皴紋極少,筆尤簡遠」之類歟。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Huang Kung-wang was a native of Fu-yang. His style name.....more
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清王鑑倣黃公望山水 軸
, and Huang Kung-wang. The Four Wangs of the early Ch’ing dynasty were devoted to the styles of the Y.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清葉欣...
of Nanking in the early Ch’ing. This leaf is from Album of Landscapes by Famous Painters Collected.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明項元汴竹石幽蘭
」第六開。 &*Hsiang Yüan-pien (style name Tzu-ching, sobriquet Mo-lin chü-shih), a native.....more
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明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光
。 &* Chou Yu-tu (tzu Kung-yuan) came from Hua-t’ing in Kiangsu. The dates of his life are not known.....more
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清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊
-ch’i, tzu (style name) Mao-ching and hao (sobriquet) Lu-t’ai, a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu.....more
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