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共找到 125 筆符合的資料
宋高宗書女孝經馬和之補圖上卷 ...
elaborates on the standards of behavior expected of court ladies. This handscroll originally had 18.....more
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宋黃庭堅書高松賦 卷
視為比興之文,隱喻堅貞的人格。(20110407)&* This handscroll is attributed to the Northern Song master Huang Tingjian.....more
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宋李公麟人物真蹟 卷
」、「我醉欲眠」、「共飲」、「揮手拒送肉」。畫以白描法,歷代流傳李公麟善作白描,又好以陶淵明為題材,本幅遂歸其名下,然畫之水準,當非出於李氏之手。 &* This long handscroll.....more
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清錢維城書並繪沈周詩意圖 卷
-1769) and becoming a leading painter at court. This painting was inspired by the handscroll.....more
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清湯貽汾冰心僊品 卷
in Nanking and died there in the attack by T’ai-p’ing rebels on that city. This handscroll, donated by Mr.....more
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清方士庶仿董源夏山?靄圖 軸
. This painting was originally modeled after a handscroll by Tung Yüan (fl.957-975) entitled.....more
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元趙孟頫重江疊嶂 卷
as well as modeling strokes. This handscroll was done in 1303. 本幅 28.4x176.4公分、隔水一 11.3公分、引首 28.....more
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元吳鎮晴江列岫圖 卷
近,可以推知實為明人託名之作。原作者想必也是一位隱者,具備類似清雅的才性,而以吳鎮作為個人期許的方向。(20110103)&* This handscroll landscape painting.....more
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元王淵蓮池禽戲圖 卷
is skillful throughout the handscroll. Traditionally attributed to Wang Yüan, the rich and brilliant.....more
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元王蒙長江萬里圖 卷
王蒙之名的作品。&*This handscroll as it unfolds from right to left reveals scenery along the Yangtze River.....more
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