搜尋:daybed 在 繪畫 分類當中


元人畫聽琴圖 軸

元人畫聽琴圖 軸

sits on a daybed playing a zither as 3 scholars sit listening. Four servants are in attendance.....more

宋人白描大士像 軸

宋人白描大士像 軸

hair drapes over her shoulders. With a semi-transparent halo, she sits on an opulent daybed clasping.....more

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

an open pavilion, in which a scholar sits on a small daybed. At the rear window are two servant girls.....more

宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

of the screen are three scholar-gentlemen sitting around a waisted table, as two sit on a daybed.....more

明張飌畫諸葛亮像 軸

明張飌畫諸葛亮像 軸

style. This work, done in 1654, depicts the famous figure Chu-ko Liang reclining on a daybed wearing.....more

明仇英長夏江村圖 卷

明仇英長夏江村圖 卷

in conversation, and lean on a daybed to cool off. The other figures include scenes of fishermen.....more

清繡線佛像(五)文殊菩薩 軸

清繡線佛像(五)文殊菩薩 軸

) with a very gentle appearance. He relaxes and sits at ease on a brocaded daybed with his feet crossed.....more

元張雨題倪瓚像 卷

元張雨題倪瓚像 卷

望同為道友,張雨亦曾題黃公望小像。(20110609)&*In a studio sits a scholar on a daybed; behind is a screen.....more

元張雨題倪瓚像 卷

元張雨題倪瓚像 卷

望同為道友,張雨亦曾題黃公望小像。(20110609)&*In a studio sits a scholar on a daybed; behind is a screen.....more

宋李嵩聽阮圖 軸

宋李嵩聽阮圖 軸

)&*The composition goes from the foreground to the right. A scholar under a tree sits on a daybed.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

of “Collating Books,” depicting four figures sitting on a large daybed engaged in such activities.....more

明仇英林亭佳趣 軸

明仇英林亭佳趣 軸

and a path winding through the tranquility. In the middle is a lofty scholar leaning on a daybed.....more


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