搜尋:colors 在 繪畫 分類當中


明陳淳畫牡丹 軸

明陳淳畫牡丹 軸

Ming Wu school. This work depicts a peony branch, the hues of the ink light and colors.....more

明仇英畫觀世音菩薩 軸

明仇英畫觀世音菩薩 軸

painting. In addition to the fine strokes for rendering the details and lines, elegant washes of colors.....more

明鄭重一指華嚴圖 軸

明鄭重一指華嚴圖 軸

in Pattra leaves. This work is rendered in beautiful colors, and the figures and rocks and trees.....more

明徐賁蜀山圖 軸

明徐賁蜀山圖 軸

, elegant tones, the colors are those of a scholar’s breeding The brushwork is appealing and contains.....more

宋蘇漢臣灌佛戲嬰 軸

宋蘇漢臣灌佛戲嬰 軸

is painted with great care and seems quite life-like. The colors are bright and the brush and ink were.....more

元劉貫道畫羅漢 軸

元劉貫道畫羅漢 軸

, the intent behind the brushwork is nonetheless sufficient to convey the idea of the forms. The colors are so.....more

明唐寅採菊圖 軸

明唐寅採菊圖 軸

their beautiful colors.” Consequently, the chrysanthemum is often shown in portraits of T’ao.....more

明關思放鶴圖 軸

明關思放鶴圖 軸

balustrade, the cage by his side. The brushwork and application of colors are light and elegant. Su Shih.....more

明丁雲鵬仙山樓閣 軸

明丁雲鵬仙山樓閣 軸

of immortals. The mountain forms, brushwork, and colors are varied and quite unique. The pine needles.....more

明宣宗畫三陽開泰圖 軸

明宣宗畫三陽開泰圖 軸

artist and calligrapher. Three goats, an auspicious symbol, are depicted in light colors.....more

明陸治久安大吉圖 軸

明陸治久安大吉圖 軸

’s (r. 1736-1795) poem above the work also mentions “seeking peace.” The heavy colors and ink here.....more

明唐寅震澤煙樹 軸

明唐寅震澤煙樹 軸

bamboo stalks has been depicted in light colors in this painting. Within the bamboo forest.....more

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

. This work in colors depicts stalks of poppies set off by rocks and grasses in front. All the stems.....more

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

individualistic and he experimented with heavier colors and thicker lines. In this work, Lan Ying presents.....more

明文徵明花卉 冊 寒香仙伴

明文徵明花卉 冊 寒香仙伴

distinction between their styles, as most of Wen Cheng-ming’s paintings are executed in colors, using.....more


colors 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋