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共找到 102 筆符合的資料
清王翬倣黃公望筆意 軸
called lo-wen, which takes the ink particularly well. This work was once in the collection of Sung.....more
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舊畫扇面 冊 明陸治花卉
。折枝花可將各種花果集於一處,布局亦頗能自由穿插,大有採花歸來陳兩處,芬芳撲鼻。畫風似晚於陸治時代,陳列以供研究。本幅為「舊畫扇面」冊第二開。&*Lu Chih was a native.....more
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明王寵摹東方朔像贊 冊
the civil service exams 8 times, but achieved success in the private sector. With Chu Yun-ming and Wen.....more
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明文徵明陸治書畫合璧 卷
and Wen Cheng-ming, who taught him the art of painting. Lu Chih developed his own special techniques.....more
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宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸
of the artist, it has been traditionally attributed to Yen Wen -kuei, a native of Wu-hsing who.....more
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明陸治春山溪閣圖 軸
and green pigments. Lu Chih was a native of Soochow. His style name was Shu-p’ing and his sobriquet Pao.....more
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明文徵明草書七言詩 軸
月,遊覽蘇州城郊所見。 &*Wen Cheng-ming (style name Cheng-chug, sobriquet Heng-shan chu-shih) was a native.....more
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明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊
上追晉唐,小楷從王羲之的「黃庭經」、「樂毅論」出,溫潤精純,然好用偏鋒,起收筆稍尖。此幅作於四十一歲,已經在勁健的結構中摻有虛靈、舒緩的意味,透露了寓飄逸於工整之外的「明楷」訊息。 &*Wen.....more
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明吳彬畫十八應真 卷
(style names; Wen-chung and Wen-chung) called himself Chih-an fa-seng (The Untonsured Monk of Chih.....more
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明陸治畫榴花小景 軸
。畫作上方自題『隆慶庚午天中節,包山陸治寫』,天中節即是端午節,可知此為陸治應景之作。&Lu Chih not only specialized in landscape.....more
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明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明陸治蘆...
Sung (1127-1279) landscapes. This work by Lu Chih falls into this category, creating a realm where.....more
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元人雜書 卷 康里?致彥中尺牘
Shun (r. 1333-1368). He was given the posthumous title Wen-chung. His knowledge was extensive and he.....more
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