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共找到 205 筆符合的資料
五代南唐顧德謙弄簫圖 卷
, praised Ku Teh-ch'ien: "In the past there was [Ku] K'ai-chih; now there is [Ku] Teh-ch’ien. The two.....more
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明唐寅畫金閶別意 卷
from Soochow of Cheng Ch’u-chih, who served there as an official. The work shows a deep, dark.....more
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唐褚遂良摹王羲之長風帖 卷
。 (20081012)&*his work is a copy of Wang Hsi-chih’s (303-361) “Ch’ang-feng,” “Hsien-shih,” and “Ssu-chih.....more
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清蔣溥畫御製塞山詠霧詩意 卷
行獵,於塞山遇大霧,人馬在茫茫霧中奔馳,有如幻戲之奇景。高宗因而有塞山詠霧詩,蔣溥為此繪圖。 &* Chiang P’u (style name Chih-p’u and sobriquet Heng.....more
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清張若靄繪圖高宗御筆秋花詩 軸
室仍以界畫,並摻用透視法工筆描繪。畫成於乾隆十一年(一七四六)。 &Illustration of Ch’ien-lung’s Poem on Autumn Flowers.....more
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明陳洪綬畫隱居十六觀 冊
-chih (Late for Repentance) following the fall of the dynasty, only to take the sobriquet Wu-ch’ih.....more
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宋十二名家法書 冊 宋吳琚書識...
處的特色。整篇行氣,縱恣自如,自有一股瀟灑意氣。本幅選自「宋十二家法書」冊第十二幅。&*Wu Chü(style name Chü-fu; sobriquet Yün.....more
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明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
, Lu Chih was teaching at Lake Ch’en when his friend Li Chao-hsiang visited him and presented him.....more
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