搜尋:cane 在 繪畫 分類當中


元顏輝畫寒山子 軸

元顏輝畫寒山子 軸

and a leaf skirt as he holds a cane with a spirited expression. The "nail-head" and "rat-tail" strokes twist.....more

元顏輝畫老子騎牛 軸

元顏輝畫老子騎牛 軸

an ox and attended by a boy holding a cane. The brushwork of the drapery is rough and unrestrained.....more

元劉貫道畫羅漢 軸

元劉貫道畫羅漢 軸

demonstrates his supernatural powers by transforming the carved lotus flower on his cane into a monkey.....more

明人松風高逸 軸

明人松風高逸 軸

, one grips a cane, and the third stands behind the scholar holding a Chinese zither. The awkward.....more

清陳書山靜日長圖 軸

清陳書山靜日長圖 軸

and several modest homes scattered among the mountains. One gentleman stands leaning on his cane under.....more

明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸

明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸

to discard their possessions. "Crutches" Li threw in his cane, Han Fei-tzu his flower basket, Lu Tung-pin.....more

明張宏畫布袋羅漢 軸

明張宏畫布袋羅漢 軸

and round belly. He carried his belongings in a cloth sack tied to a cane, hence.....more

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

a moustache. Walking on the water, he wears a cloth cap and a long robe and carries a figure-tipped cane.....more


cane 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋