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共找到 59 筆符合的資料
宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸
to the T'ai-hang mountains as a bandit. After he met the famed artist Li T'ang.....more
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名繪集珍 冊 宋黃居寀竹石錦...
is similar to “Myriad Trees and strange Peaks “by Li T'ang (ca. 1049-after 1130). However ,the use.....more
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清李世倬對松山圖 軸
磴雲峰,蒼松夾峙,行旅乘竿迴旋其間。幅左并有李世倬題句一行,文曰:「青壁雙起,盤道中旋,石齒樹生,雲衣晴見,當泰岱之半,景為最奇。」&*Li Shih-cho was a native of T.....more
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唐閻立本十八學士于志寧書讚 卷
、房玄齡、于志寧等十八人為學士,命閻立本圖像,褚亮為贊,以章禮賢之重,天下慕向,時人謂之登瀛洲。本幅畫秦府十八學士,上有于志寧贊。舊傳閻立本之作,拖尾記語,間有舛誤,疑為後人所添。 &*Yen Li.....more
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清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸
-name Mao-ching, sobriquet, Lu-t’ai, was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. He was the grandson.....more
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名繪集珍 冊 宋賈師古巖關古寺
and the Influence of Li T'ang."Ars Orientalis, vol.10(1975),p.83. 註3:有關「都省書畫之印」「司印半印」,請參閱傅申,〈祕書監書畫收藏概述.....more
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五代南唐巨然層巖叢樹圖 軸
, he followed the vanquished Li Hou-chu to the Sung capital K'ai-feng. Since Chü.....more
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唐太宗立像(二) 軸
、杜如晦,諫臣有魏徵、王珪,名將有李勣,李靖;去奢輕賦,寬刑整武,海內昇平,威及域外。號天可汗,年號貞觀。&*The Emperor T'ai-tsung (reigned 627-649 A.D.....more
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宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮
, "The calligraphy of Hai-t'ai 【Li Chien-chung】is removed from the T'ang【in time】, but is still.....more
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明文徵明仇英合摹李公麟蓮社圖 ...
,慧遠致書陶潛,邀請參加,陶潛答曰:「許我酒就來。」慧遠答應。陶潛每來社中,或時才至,不久卽攢眉而去。幅中乘籃輿者卽是陶潛。幅中設色,用筆均去文仇水準頗遠,為後世託名。 &*After Li Kung.....more
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五代南唐巨然蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 軸
’ai-yüan Temple. He followed the Southern T’ang ruler, Li Hou-chu, in surrendering.....more
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明王寵書韓愈送李愿歸盤谷序 卷
part of the T'ai-hang Mountains in Honan province and was the site of reclusion for Han Yu's friend Li.....more
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宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 軸
, T'ai-tsu. During the Chien-yen reign (1127-1130) he served in office along the Eastern Che circui.....more
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唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸
有清高宗題討,高宗認為這幅畫是描繪「晉竹林七賢」稽康、阮籍、山濤、向秀、劉伶、阮咸、王戎,其中王戎與山濤沒有畫入圖中。左下角的竹桿上有「閻立本畫」的款字,當為後人假托之作。 &*Yen Li-pen.....more
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