搜尋:WHO 在 繪畫 分類當中


宋人十八學士圖 軸

宋人十八學士圖 軸

of a work by the famous T'ang dynasty artist Yen Li-pen (d. 673), who was commissioned to paint eighteen.....more

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

of the artist, it has been traditionally attributed to Yen Wen -kuei, a native of Wu-hsing who.....more

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

on a table breaking off a branch of plum blossoms and hands it to the other servant, who prepares.....more

元人瑞雪仙禽 軸

元人瑞雪仙禽 軸

that it might even be by Yin Hung, an artist who was active during the late Hung-chih period (1488-1505). 本.....more

元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸

元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸

(style name T'ien-hsi; sobriquet Chih-chai) who lived at Yen-men in Shansi province was of Uighur.....more

宋崔白蘆花羲愛 軸

宋崔白蘆花羲愛 軸

of painters who received imperial commissions from Emperor Shen-tsung, and, following his successes.....more

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

後人。&*Ma-ku is a female immortal who represents longevity. The most common source about her.....more

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

Buddhist sect who resided at the Kuo-ch'ing Temple. His name translates as "picked up" because he.....more

元吳鎮晴江列岫圖 卷

元吳鎮晴江列岫圖 卷

to him. According to the inscription, it was completed in 1351 for a Mr. Jiadun, who has yet.....more

元陳琳畫寒林鍾馗 軸

元陳琳畫寒林鍾馗 軸

of landscapes, figures, and birds-and-flowers who derived inspiration from the ancients to formulate his own.....more

宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

legged on a rug, expounding scripture. Below is kneeling an ocean spirit wearing both sword and bow who.....more

明宣宗戲猿圖 軸

明宣宗戲猿圖 軸

to Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101- 125), the famous Northern Sung emperor who was a renowned.....more

明崔子忠雲林洗桐圖 軸

明崔子忠雲林洗桐圖 軸

was a native of Shantung who adopted Peking as his home. He was a highly learned and patriotic man. When.....more

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

in a grove of plantain trees filled with unusual rocks. One, who is looking at a scroll, seems.....more

明王問畫山水 軸

明王問畫山水 軸

別外,皴筆幾無輕重之分;而畫樹墨筆點葉,亦復如是。圖案化的筆墨形式,與晚明變形主義頗有契合之處。&*Wang Wen was a chin-shih degree holder of 1538 who.....more


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