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共找到 131 筆符合的資料
清張宗蒼石湖霽景 軸
Soochow”, including the Hsing-ch’un Bridge, Mt. Leng-chia, and the Chih-p’ing Temple. Using light.....more
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清金廷標瑤圃採芝圖 軸
. The precipitous peaks are defined with expertly executed ax-cut ts’un (texture strokes.....more
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清金廷標吹簫召鶴 軸
. The folds of the drapery are rendered by flowing but forceful brushlines. Small axe-cut ts’un models.....more
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清周鯤繪高宗御書范成大祭?詞 ...
,貼灶馬,用酒糟塗灶門,甜甜灶神的嘴,希望灶神在玉皇大帝面前多說點好話,保佑來年的平安。&* Chou K’un, a native of Kiangsu province, was born.....more
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清董邦達曲院風荷御題 軸
and Wind over Lotus Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pant-ta (style name Fu-ts’un.....more
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清張宗蒼畫雪景御題 軸
(卷八),第四冊,頁121&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁99-100&* 張宗蒼(西元一六八六至一七五六年),江蘇吳縣人。一字墨岑,號篁村,晚號瘦竹。乾隆十六年因獻畫而蒙錄為祇候,官至戶部主事。山水畫出.....more
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清董邦達畫返照歸雲圖 軸
Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shan) was a native of Fu-yang in Chekiang. He received the chin.....more
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元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸
seldom seen. This painting depicts an angling spot at Yen-ling on the Fu-ch'un River. Cliffs and crags.....more
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明周臣山亭納涼圖 軸
-ch’ing and his sobriquet was Tung-ts’un. He was a master of both landscape and figure painting.....more
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宋劉松年秋林縱牧圖 軸
出神情專注的神態。&*Liu Sung-nien was a native of Ch'ien-t'ang, Chekiang (modern Hangchow). During the Ch'un.....more
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元曹知白貞松白雪軒圖 軸
as an official instructor in K'un-shan. He excelled at landscape painting in which he emulated the style.....more
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