搜尋:LED 在 繪畫 分類當中


名畫集真 冊 番騎出獵圖

名畫集真 冊 番騎出獵圖

led provided popular subjects for, and were often portrayed by, various painters. The younger br.....more

唐曲阜文宣王廟記 軸

唐曲阜文宣王廟記 軸

(Propagating Culture) as a sign of respect. In the Xiantong reign (860-873), years of poor harvest led.....more

明董其昌書白羽扇賦 軸

明董其昌書白羽扇賦 軸

窮。&*Though Tung Ch'i-ch'ang was a chin-shih civil service candidate, he led a rather uneventful.....more

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

. In Journey to the West, he obeyed the Jade Emperor and led his third son Nezha on 2 trips to subjugate.....more

明人內府騶虞圖 卷

明人內府騶虞圖 卷

-yü appeared in the fief of the Duke of Chou (Chu Su) near the Shen-hou Mountain. Chu Su led.....more

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

. The signature of Fan Ch'iung in the lower left led Ch'a Shih-piao and Chang Ch'ou of the Ch'ing.....more

元趙雍江山放艇圖 軸

元趙雍江山放艇圖 軸

Yung, a son of Chao Meng-fu, had the style name Chung-mu. He led a career as a government official.....more

元倪瓚竹樹野石 軸

元倪瓚竹樹野石 軸

a penchant for cleanliness. After the age of 40, he left his family and led a life of wandering. Ni Tsan.....more

清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

-hsi in Kiangsu. He became chin-shih in 1727 and led an official career which culminated in his.....more

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊

styles as he led Yüan calligraphy circles. In the two leaves from an album by Chao and Hsien-y.....more

清鄒一桂太古雲嵐 軸

清鄒一桂太古雲嵐 軸

degree in 1727 and led an official career which culminated in his appointment as Vice-President.....more

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘 

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘...

he Four Sung Masters as originally having been Ts'ai Ching. However, his condemnation by historians led.....more

唐人明皇幸蜀圖 軸

唐人明皇幸蜀圖 軸

, rebel forces led by An Lu-shan succeeded in capturing the capital, Ch'ang-an. Emperor.....more

唐人明皇幸蜀圖 軸

唐人明皇幸蜀圖 軸

, rebel forces led by An Lu-shan succeeded in capturing the capital, Ch'ang-an. Emperor.....more

清李?牡丹 軸

清李?牡丹 軸

. A conflict with his superior led to his retirement from this post. Li Shan’s bird and flower.....more

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