搜尋:Fu 在 繪畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

to bid him farewell. At the end to the left is a signature of Chao Meng-fu. The brush and ink differ.....more

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

as a youth under the famed artist Chao Meng-fu. Since his paintings followed after the old masters.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

ü-fu) was a native of Ch'ien-t'ang (modern Hangchou). As a youth he was a diligent student.....more

清馬元馭畫花卉 冊 桑椹蠶蛾

清馬元馭畫花卉 冊 桑椹蠶蛾

was Fu-hsi and his sobriquets were Ch’i-hsia and T’ien-yü shan-jen. He excelled in birds.....more

清永瑆臨御筆九成宮醴泉銘 軸

清永瑆臨御筆九成宮醴泉銘 軸

’ brushwork. In his early years he followed Chao Meng-fu’s style but later turned to Ou-yang Hsün’s.....more

明陸遠摹古 冊 水閣觀流

明陸遠摹古 冊 水閣觀流

of Mi Fu (1051-1107) and Mi Yu-jen (1086-1107). There are ten leaves in this album of landscapes.....more

清張照書御製插秧吟 軸

清張照書御製插秧吟 軸

studied the style of Tung Ch'i-ch'ang. Later, he looked to the venerated traditions of Mi Fu and Yen.....more

宋人浴鵝圖 軸

宋人浴鵝圖 軸

Treasury (Nei-fu t'u-shu chih yin) of the Sung dynasty, it has been attributed to a Sung dynasty artist.....more

清馬元馭花卉 冊 牡丹

清馬元馭花卉 冊 牡丹

十五歲。 &*Flowers Ma Yüan-yü (1669-1722) Ch’ing Dynasty Ma Yüan-yü (style name Fu.....more

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

to bid him farewell. At the end to the left is a signature of Chao Meng-fu. The brush and ink differ.....more

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

as a youth under the famed artist Chao Meng-fu. Since his paintings followed after the old masters.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

ü-fu) was a native of Ch'ien-t'ang (modern Hangchou). As a youth he was a diligent student.....more

民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

with dramatic flair and being much in the artistic idiom of this modern master. Mr. Chi Hsing-fu.....more

民國傅抱石雪意圖 軸

民國傅抱石雪意圖 軸

山形成強烈的對比,頓覺寒氣逼人。全作筆簡而意遠,老辣中又見瀟灑之趣。&*Fu Pao-shih, a native of Hsin-yu in Kiangsi, studied as a youth.....more

清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸

清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸

’ing Dynasty Chou K’ai (style name Chung-li, sobriquet Yün-kao) was a native of Fu-yang.....more


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