搜尋:well 在 書畫 分類當中


元倪瓚畫譜 冊

元倪瓚畫譜 冊

of landscapes as well as bamboo and rocks. Ni Tsan's nephew Hua Tzu-wen once sought to study.....more

元李衎雙松圖 軸

元李衎雙松圖 軸

was especially well-known for bamboo painting, and wrote treatises on the subject. Li K'an was once.....more

元吳廷暉龍舟奪標 軸

元吳廷暉龍舟奪標 軸

-hui, a native of Chekiang province, excelled at blue-and-green landscape as well as bird-and-flower.....more

遼蕭瀜畫花鳥 軸

遼蕭瀜畫花鳥 軸

pervades the well-practised and vigorous brushline of this Liao dynasty artist. &*Hsiao Jung.....more

元趙孟頫重江疊嶂 卷

元趙孟頫重江疊嶂 卷

as well as modeling strokes. This handscroll was done in 1303. 本幅 28.4x176.4公分、隔水一 11.3公分、引首 28.....more

宋人松巖仙館 軸

宋人松巖仙館 軸

possible in the foreground or background. This particular feature, as well as others, links the work.....more

元趙淇周伯琦相鶴圖經合璧 卷

元趙淇周伯琦相鶴圖經合璧 卷

, the drapery lines of the figures strong, and the spirit are all well conveyed. The inscription by Chou.....more

元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸

元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸

coloured bamboos are also excellent; his landscapes noteworthy as well. Although T'ao Fu-ch'u first.....more

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

and flower as well as in ink play. A white cock with a purple cockscomb steps on a centipede.....more

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

, as well as the ruled-line manner of architecture and furniture, is not especially meticulous.....more

元人牧夢占豐圖 軸

元人牧夢占豐圖 軸

in the trees and rocks, as well as the overall mood suggests the Che School of the Ming dynasty. If a Yü.....more

元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

for his landscapes but was a competent figure painter as well. This hanging scroll represents two.....more

宋人雪山行旅 軸

宋人雪山行旅 軸

and the rafts floating down the river as well. However, the distant view of lofty snow-capped mountains, half.....more

明戴進溪橋策蹇圖 軸

明戴進溪橋策蹇圖 軸

occupies this painting with dense vegetation and trees as well as a stream in the foreground.....more

明王紱溪亭高話圖 軸

明王紱溪亭高話圖 軸

poet, calligrapher, and painter. He held the office of Court Attendant, and was well known in his own.....more


well 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋