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共找到 8 筆符合的資料
明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸
氣。用筆蒼老而有力,以雄渾見勝。 &* Hsieh Shih-ch’en, a native of Soochow, excelled at poetry and painting.....more
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明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸
belonged to a convivial group of artists that included Wu Wei, Tu Chin and Shen Chou. In the Hung-chih.....more
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南朝宋陸探微五岳圖 卷
,樹木大都作秋景紅葉,畫中高士,或對語、或攜琴訪友,筆墨濁重欠清雅。按陸探微畫,北宋宣和畫譜僅載十幅,舉世今恐無存。本幅原籤題陸探微畫,畫上所謂宋徽宗題識均存疑。&*Lu T'an-wei.....more
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清錢維城書並繪沈周詩意圖 卷
。&* Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng, a native of Kiangsu, was awarded the chuang-yüan degree in 1745 and went.....more
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清錢維城夏山欲雨 軸
筆法、墨法皆有公式化的趨向。重山疊嶺之中,煙霧瀰漫,畫面水份凝重,氣氛營造之下,頗有山雨欲來風滿樓之意。 &* Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng, style name Tsung-p.....more
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清謝遂職貢圖(三) 卷
繪之精工,尤堪供為民族風俗服飾考證之史料。又同樣題材,除此繪畫外,尚有皇清職貢圖刊本。 &* Hsieh Sui was given an appointment at court during.....more
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