搜尋:style 在 書畫 分類當中


清俞樾隸書七言聯 軸

清俞樾隸書七言聯 軸

先生捐贈。(20120409)&*Yu Yue (style name Yinfu, sobriquet Quyuan), a native of Deqing in Zhejiang.....more

明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

亥(一六七一),時五十四歲。 本幅為「明人集繪」冊第四開。&*Chu Sheng (style name; Jih-ju, sobriquet; Hsi-an) was a native of Jen.....more

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

create a sense of mass, substance, and three-dimensionality. The artist may have been modeling his style.....more

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

幅畫鄉野人物,俚俗趣味是所強調者,衣衫袒胸,華髮滿頭,不修邊幅,眞率可愛。   本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &* Ch’ien Hui-an (given name Kui-ch’ang; style.....more

清湯貽汾冰心僊品 卷

清湯貽汾冰心僊品 卷

and Remoteness T’ang I-fen (1778-1853) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang I-fen (style name Jo-i, late sobriquet Chou-weng.....more

民國錢松嵒村景 冊頁

民國錢松嵒村景 冊頁

at a brisk and solid style. A friend presented “Verse on a Dream Journey to Hu-ch’iu”, so Ch’ien on the basis.....more

元人畫寒山拾得像 軸

元人畫寒山拾得像 軸

application is abundant. The style is similar to that of Yen Hui's tradition. 本幅 104.6x54.1公分、全幅 81公分.....more

元盛懋袁安臥雪圖 軸

元盛懋袁安臥雪圖 軸

. Although this work bears a Sheng Mou signature, the style is obviously Ming (1368-1644) in date.....more

元人歲朝百爵 軸

元人歲朝百爵 軸

painter of the middle to late Ming (1368-1644) imitating the style of Pien Wen-chin. The flowers.....more

元趙孟頫拱壽圖 軸

元趙孟頫拱壽圖 軸

of the two Zhao Mengfu seals at the top to have been done by him. Judging from the style and brushwork.....more

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

with the style of the signature, suggest that both came from the same hand around the late Ming and early Q.....more

元黃公望巖壑幽居圖 軸

元黃公望巖壑幽居圖 軸

is not emphasized, being instead closer to a recombination of elements from Shen Zhou’s style and thus.....more

明文徵明朱竹 軸

明文徵明朱竹 軸

永字八法的筆法。&*Wen Cheng-ming, a native of ch'ang-chou in Kiangsu (modern Soochow), followed the style.....more

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

, Kiangsu. His style name was Shu-pao, and he called himself Ch’ing-shih. As he was an orphan, his.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋燕文貴雪溪乘興

集古名繪 冊 宋燕文貴雪溪乘興

, but was particularly skilled in subjects of the four seasons. His style is refined, delicate and charming.....more


style 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋