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共找到 1640 筆符合的資料
清鄒元斗花卉 冊 梅
painter Chiang T’ing-hsi taught him the academy style of bird and flower painting. He also practiced.....more
- 302/1640
宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧
no seal or signature of the painter, the brushwork and general style indicate a Southern Sung (1127.....more
- 303/1640
名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏
with trees, it appears to be in the style of the Li T'ang (ca. 1049-after 1130) schoo1. However.....more
- 304/1640
歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖
closely in the popular Che School style. The painting might be the work of a painter following.....more
- 305/1640
元趙孟頫書蘇軾西湖詩 卷
高宗,中年以後,小楷法鍾繇,行草師二王、李邕,參以蘇米,筆致秀逸。本卷書蘇軾詩,沉穩中流露俊秀之氣,是六十七歲晚年佳作。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang.....more
- 307/1640
宋四家墨寶 冊 宋米芾致彥和國...
-yang in Hupei, is often referred to by his style name Yüan-chang or one of his many sobriquets.....more
- 308/1640
唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸
landscapes in the style invented by his father. The two Li's are equally famous and are usually referred.....more
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清吳歷雲白山青圖 卷
編(御書房),下冊,頁1070&故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁266&故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁205-208& Wu Li, style name Yü-shan.....more
- 312/1640
元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 楊維禎書...
類。本幅草書題松江姚氏所藏古泉譜冊,為元明人題錢譜雜文冊之十,行筆蒼勁,結字奇倔,墨色乾濕燥潤變化多端,為楊氏晚年精品。& Yang Wei-chen (style name.....more
- 313/1640
宋元寶翰 冊 宋高宗書七言律詩
更變,有識之士有鑑於此,紛紛改弦易轍,回歸傳統,高宗亦是其中之功臣也。&Emperor Kao-tsung(original name Chao Kou; style name.....more
- 314/1640