搜尋:rendered 在 書畫 分類當中


清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平花卉

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平花卉

with outlined washes, the colors revealing layered gradations. The leaves were rendered in the "boneless.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

flowers all rendered over a base of white. The colors are extremely elegant and tender, presenting.....more

清余省東籬秀色 軸

清余省東籬秀色 軸

. The leaves, however, were rendered in a more straightforward manner, creating differences.....more

明宣宗坐像(一) 軸

明宣宗坐像(一) 軸

to the drapery lines powerfully rendered, the washes of the facial area emphasizing the sitter's character.....more

清郎世寧雲錦呈才 軸

清郎世寧雲錦呈才 軸

with Castiglione’s Eight Prized Steeds, the hooves of the horses are rendered without shadows.....more

清陳書畫秋塍生植 軸

清陳書畫秋塍生植 軸

, the composition and the delineation are carefully rendered. The quails, butterfly, dragonfly, locust.....more

清鄒一桂畫梨花夜月 軸

清鄒一桂畫梨花夜月 軸

scene was rendered in a tender and elegant fashion. &*鄒一桂(西元一六八六-一七七二年),字原褒,號小山,江蘇無錫人。雍正五年(一七二七)進士,歷官禮部侍.....more

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

of two albums rendered with gold and other mineral-based pigments on black paper to depict cats.....more

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

for a venerated elder. This work is composed of two albums rendered with gold and other mineral-based.....more

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(四)

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(四)

are rendered in red and green to distinguish the difference between the tender new leaves and the old.....more

明人畫望海樓圖 軸

明人畫望海樓圖 軸

with brackets. The decoration of the ridges, as well as the eave rafters, is finely rendered. The areas.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風

宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風

and lively scene. The lotus leaves have been rendered with fine brushwork for the veins, the lines.....more

明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷

明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷

traveling around his home in Soochow. Taking the essence of the sites, he rendered them using his mature.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

also beautifully composed. In this album leaf rendered in monochrome outlines (pai-miao.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒紅蓼

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒紅蓼

rendered with precision and depth, creating a scene full of life that achieves the artistic effect.....more


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