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共找到 78 筆符合的資料
五代前蜀貫休羅漢 軸
-907) text "Record of Buddhism in This World" describes how lohans were not just individuals who.....more
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元趙孟頫西園雅集圖 軸
Museum collection by Qiu Ying (ca. 1494-1552) come from the same prototype. The attached record.....more
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明錢穀惠山煮泉圖 軸
。 &* Ch'ien Ku did this work in 1570 as a record of an elegant gathering with friends on a trip to Mt.....more
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宋元寶翰 冊 宋樓鑰呈提舉郎中...
correlate with Lou Yue’s text, “Record on the Ancestral Shrine.”(20101015)&*樓鑰(1137-1213),字大防,自號攻媿主人,出身.....more
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宋賢書翰 冊 宋揚旡咎尺牘
, sobriquet Taochan laoren) was a native of Jiangxi. According to Imperial Song Record of Calligraphy.....more
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元人雜書 卷 虞集書翰
Yu wrote Shao Yao-fu poems on the wall; thus it was called Shao-an. Calligraphy histories record.....more
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元人雜書 卷 袁桷呈承旨大參相...
. Calligraphy histories record that Yuan's style developed from the styles of the Chin (265-420) and T'ang (618.....more
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明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治寫支...
keen understanding of painting. Past records record that he studied calligraphy with Chu Yün-ming.....more
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清董教增羅浮山圖 軸
-fu has each scenic spot labeled in an orderly fashion, much like a record of text and image. Tung.....more
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清徐呈祥星額駿圖 軸
languages: Chinese, Manchu, and Mongolian, were employed to record the vital data of horses thus.....more
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清楊大章畫額摩鳥 軸
and “Imperial Record on the Cassowary”, wrote that this bird was not native to the West. He noted its origins.....more
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明祝允明行楷書岳陽樓記 冊頁
、行、草書。這件書蹟在楷書中有行草法,結字寬博疏朗,以唐代顏體為本,參入魏晉人小楷筆意,不求精整,而是以韻勝。此幅選自「明人扇頭書」。 "Record of the Yueh-yang Lookout.....more
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