搜尋:power 在 書畫 分類當中


漢三老諱字忌日刻石墨拓 軸

漢三老諱字忌日刻石墨拓 軸

forms reveal occasional seal script elements. The style is lofty with unadorned power.....more

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

nearly fills the composition, its giant form emanates power and strength. The painter used.....more

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

nearly fills the composition, its giant form emanates power and strength. The painter used meticulous.....more

明沈貞吉畫菖蒲 軸

明沈貞吉畫菖蒲 軸

has been wielded with great control, power, and confidence. The arrangement of leaves was also.....more

宋人隼擊圖 軸

宋人隼擊圖 軸

determined expression of the power to strike and kill. The reaction is instantaneous: a tartar pheasant.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋富弼書尺牘

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋富弼書尺...

, and in 1055 became Prime Minister at the same time with Wen Yanbo. Later, when Wang Anshi came to power.....more

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

has a vivid look as if it has bears some form of power. The balance between motion and stillness.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋艾宣寫生罌粟

宋元集繪 冊 宋艾宣寫生罌粟

in matters of state and exerting considerable power at the time. Although Empress Yang reportedly came.....more

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 龍宮默識

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 龍宮默識

the teaching and attained enlightenment, she became a Buddha, exemplifying the power of Manjusri’s.....more

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

is on the brush power and its connections, achieving resonance to and fro. This work was donated.....more

民國譚延闓楷書 軸

民國譚延闓楷書 軸

, it is still untrammeled and free; a sense of power permeates the entire work, which is an excellent.....more

明倪元璐書把酒漫成七律 軸

明倪元璐書把酒漫成七律 軸

the force and slant of Ni’s semi-cursive script as well as mature power and a sense of beauty. From.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

Chung-hsien gained power at court, he gave up hope of becoming an official. He was famous as a literatus.....more

清張照書御製插秧吟 軸

清張照書御製插秧吟 軸

Chen-ch'ing to give his style depth and power. Most of his surviving works reveal the use of dark.....more

明人松風高逸 軸

明人松風高逸 軸

forms of the human figures were rendered using alternately straight and crooked lines, the power.....more

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power 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋