搜尋:palace 在 書畫 分類當中


民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸

民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸

Ching-nung did this work in 1983 at the age of 81. This piece was donated to the National Palace Museum.....more

民國臺靜農草書故國神遊 橫披

民國臺靜農草書故國神遊 橫披

to the National Palace Museum by Mr. T’ai Ching-nung. &*臺靜農(西元1902-1990年),安徽霍邱人。字伯簡,晚號靜者。為當代著名文史學者、書法家,歷任國內各大學中.....more

民國余承堯草書七言絕句 單片

民國余承堯草書七言絕句 單片

." This piece was written in 1993. Ms. Hung Shu-hua donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1997.....more

宋拓越州刻晉唐小楷 冊

宋拓越州刻晉唐小楷 冊

Palace Museum collection, its features agree well. "Yueyi Discourse," for example, has elegant.....more

明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊 倣黃公望山水

明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊...

. Watt, Possessing the Past: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei (New York.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄子

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...

, Manager of Affairs in The Secretarial-Chancellery and Concurrent Palace Secretary. However, when Chao.....more

民國余紹宋畫墨竹 軸

民國余紹宋畫墨竹 軸

depictions by literati. Ms. Sun Duo-ci donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1973.....more

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

this work to the National Palace Museum in 1984. (20120106) 畫幅 27.3x18.5公分、書幅 27.3x18.5公分、前副葉 32.5x43.4公分.....more

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

. This painting, donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Huang Chun-pi, depicts a banana plant and a stone.....more

清李?牡丹 軸

清李?牡丹 軸

to the overall effect. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Huang Chun-pi. &*1.〈清李.....more

清朱若極梅竹 軸

清朱若極梅竹 軸

. In this work donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Lin Zongyi, the plum blossoms were not done.....more

清弘?松塢雲濤 卷

清弘?松塢雲濤 卷

in the palace, Hung-wu still poured his heart into the arts, with at least 300 works of poetry and prose.....more

元王振鵬寶津競渡圖 卷

元王振鵬寶津競渡圖 卷

in the palace on the third day of the third lunar month and holding a dragon boat regatta. The result.....more

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

in the National Palace Museum ("Children Playing in Autumn" and "Children Playing in Winter.....more

元人畫聽琴圖 軸

元人畫聽琴圖 軸

to the National Palace Museum’s “Eighteen Scholars” attributed to an anonymous Song (960-1279) artist.....more


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