搜尋:painter 在 書畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫達摩像 軸

元趙孟頫達摩像 軸

to 1292, the careful style of painting appears closer to that of a late Wu School painter, making.....more

宋趙伯駒飛仙圖 軸

宋趙伯駒飛仙圖 軸

-worldly character of their realm. This painting has no seal or signature of the painter, but has been.....more

宋趙伯駒停琴摘阮圖 軸

宋趙伯駒停琴摘阮圖 軸

of the Sung dynasty. He was a skilled painter of landscapes in blue and green style and also adept.....more

宋人撲棗圖 軸

宋人撲棗圖 軸

著盤子拾取,又玩又吃,一片興高采烈之情,躍然於絹素之上。&*The title slip on this work attributes it to an anonymous painter.....more

宋馬遠松間吟月 軸

宋馬遠松間吟月 軸

painters. Ma was a Painter-in-Attendance in the courts of Kuang-tsung (r.1189-1194) and Ning-tsung (r.....more

明王紱溪亭高話圖 軸

明王紱溪亭高話圖 軸

poet, calligrapher, and painter. He held the office of Court Attendant, and was well known in his own.....more

明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸

明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸

that it was probably done by a later painter of the 17th or 18th century working from an older model. Thus.....more

明宣宗戲猿圖 軸

明宣宗戲猿圖 軸

üan-chi, a Sung dynasty painter of apes. The brush lines of the bamboo, lush reeds.....more

明呂紀桃柳雙鳧圖 軸

明呂紀桃柳雙鳧圖 軸

of the early Ming dynasty painter, Pien Wen-chin. He later emulated the works of the T’ang (618-907.....more

明宋旭歲朝報喜圖 軸

明宋旭歲朝報喜圖 軸

fa-shang and Ching-his chu-jen. He was a good painter of landscapes, modelling himself on Shen Chou.....more

明周之冕花竹鵪鶉 軸

明周之冕花竹鵪鶉 軸

. He was a skilled calligrapher in the ancient clerical script and an excellent painter of birds.....more

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

for his noble character, Ku was a skilled poet, calligrapher, and painter. Indeed, the famous artist Tung.....more

明呂紀畫鴛鴦 軸

明呂紀畫鴛鴦 軸

of the early Ming dynasty painter, Pien Wen-chin. He later emulated the works of the T’ang (618-907.....more

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

as an artisan painter, he later studied under Chou Ch’en and eventually achieved fame. All of Ch’iu’s.....more

明王紱松亭高士圖 軸

明王紱松亭高士圖 軸

. He was a man of wide learning, and a skilled poet, calligrapher, and painter. He held the office.....more


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