搜尋:painter 在 書畫 分類當中


宋趙伯駒禹王開山圖 卷

宋趙伯駒禹王開山圖 卷

was an important blue-and-green landscape painter (with the style name Ch'ien-li). 本幅 35x221.1公分、隔水一 14.7公分、隔.....more

清錢維城書並繪沈周詩意圖 卷

清錢維城書並繪沈周詩意圖 卷

-1769) and becoming a leading painter at court. This painting was inspired by the handscroll.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 清楊晉梅花水仙

花卉畫冊 冊 清楊晉梅花水仙

painter of figures, flowers and birds, and grasses and insects. His paintings of water-buffalo earne.....more

名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清惲壽平折枝牡丹

名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清惲壽...

is ranked as a leading painter of his age. Originally specializing in landscapes, he felt he could.....more

名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹幽鳥

名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...

was the nephew of the great finger painter Kao Ch’i-p’ei, and Li excelled at painting landscapes, figures, birds.....more

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

as a court painter. In this painting of two goats, they appear deep in the mountains with an old.....more

明董其昌仿歐陽詢千文 冊

明董其昌仿歐陽詢千文 冊

awarded the name Wenmin. He was a major calligrapher, painter, connoisseur, and theorist of the late.....more

元人歲朝百爵 軸

元人歲朝百爵 軸

painter of the middle to late Ming (1368-1644) imitating the style of Pien Wen-chin. The flowers.....more

元黃公望溪山草閣 軸

元黃公望溪山草閣 軸

painter instead. Evidence from the seals indicates that it may have been collected by Zhu Zhichi (fl.....more

元任仁發飲中八仙圖 卷

元任仁發飲中八仙圖 卷

前右下有項元汴千字文第三0二「甚」字編號,及「項墨林鑑賞章」等諸印。&* Ren Renfa was a famous painter, calligraphy, and irrigation.....more

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

;an painter Ni Tsan (1301-1374) attending to the washing of his favorite garden trees. He sits.....more

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 高峰遠湖

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 高峰遠湖

artisan as a youth. He later met and learned from the painter Chou Ch'en, achieving fame.....more

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

in Kiangsu and the son of the painter Ch’en Tao-fu. Expansive by nature, he loved wine and in his.....more

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

of letters. He was famous not only as a painter but also as a poet, essayist, and calligrapher. Lu.....more

明陸治花卉 卷

明陸治花卉 卷

; as an artist, for his talents not only as a painter but as a poet, essayist, and calligrapher. His.....more


painter 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋