搜尋:painted 在 書畫 分類當中


歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款秋林歸牧

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款秋林歸牧

is returning home leading a water-buffalo. The trees and rocks are painted in strong, thrusting.....more

清王雲畫山水 軸

清王雲畫山水 軸

. The figures and buildings painted by Wang Yűn resemble those painted by the Ming Dynasty master, Ch’iu.....more

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 石竹

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 石竹

is painted with monochrome ink, and the flowers and grass move in subtle colors, all painted on gold.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明沈周秋葵

花卉畫冊 冊 明沈周秋葵

覺軟熟,疑五十至六十歲間作品。&*1476-1486 Shen Chou Hibiscus The stems and leaves of the hibiscus are painted.....more

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 攀花

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 攀花

Mei was a court painter under the K'ang-hsi Emperor. He painted the album from which this leaf comes.....more

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

, colophons and seals. Moreover, "Apricot Blossoms" bears the four character signature, "Painted by Your.....more

宋元名繪 冊 元趙孟頫進馬圖

宋元名繪 冊 元趙孟頫進馬圖

with movement, a groom uses a whip to train a trotting horse. They are painted as if photographed.....more

明沈周畫松岩聽泉圖 軸

明沈周畫松岩聽泉圖 軸

, painted in 1480. In addition, the mountain peak is rendered in angular strokes derived from the styl.....more

明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 掃花菴

明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 掃花...

was painted for Mr. Yan-k’e. It is possible that the country garden depicted in the album was the home.....more

清王原祁倣王蒙山水 軸

清王原祁倣王蒙山水 軸

the mountains, while the landscape is so densely painted that it could not ‘contain a needle.’ Both.....more

元柯九思晚香高節 軸

元柯九思晚香高節 軸

excelled in calligraphy and the rendering of ink bamboo as well as landscapes. This work was painted.....more

明人書畫扇 (辛) 冊 明錢穀風漂夷馬

明人書畫扇 (辛) 冊 明錢穀風...

was an accomplished painter of landscape, orchids, and bamboos, but seldom painted horses. Treating his.....more

名人畫扇 (甲) 冊 清呂煥成觀馬圖

名人畫扇 (甲) 冊 清呂煥成觀...

of a tree. The trees are painted in the bright, fresh style of Lan Ying, while the horses and groom.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖?雲駛 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖?雲駛 軸

by vassal states and painted by Lang Shih-ning in1743. The horse is almost life-size in scale.....more

元趙孟頫臨黃筌蓮塘圖 軸

元趙孟頫臨黃筌蓮塘圖 軸

perches on a dried lotus leaf. The painting has a carefree ambience, yet it is painted with great.....more

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