搜尋:malachite 在 書畫 分類當中


宋人集繪 冊 無款芙蓉

宋人集繪 冊 無款芙蓉

leaves. On the undersides of the stems, pistils, stamens, and leaves, a wash of the malachite.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

in with thick, opaque mineral pigments, such as iron red, azurite blue, and malachite green. Thin gold lines.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清葉欣山水

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清葉欣...

a desolate, lonely landscape bathed in the reddish glow of a setting sun. Though the use of malachite.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋魯宗貴蜀葵引蝶

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋魯宗貴蜀...

of cinnabar were then added. Leaves and stems were washed in bright green and then filled with malachite.....more

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

of rocks, creating an uneven texture and outline. Wang repeatedly applied layers of malachite green.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

of trees have been limned with malachite and azurite. In the Southern Sung, there was a taste.....more

清禹之鼎擬趙千里山水 軸

清禹之鼎擬趙千里山水 軸

of vitality. The malachite and azurite Yü Chih-ting added to the mountain peaks make the entire.....more

宋李唐江山小景 卷

宋李唐江山小景 卷

with the buildings were done in washes of malachite blue, while the dots were accentuated with gold pigment.....more

元趙孟頫甕牖圖 卷

元趙孟頫甕牖圖 卷

define the landscape forms, only taut outlines with blue-and-green. The leaves are in malachite.....more

唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸

唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸

, or rocks, he first drew outlines with fine brushwork and then added umber, malachite green, and azurite.....more

宋趙伯駒阿閣圖 軸

宋趙伯駒阿閣圖 軸

and malachite, but the artist did not use lines to show individual tiles. The ridge and tile.....more


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