搜尋:make up 在 書畫 分類當中


明沈周寫生 冊 萱

明沈周寫生 冊 萱

of Sketching from Life,” was done in the “boneless” technique of washes to depict a close-up.....more

清院本親蠶圖 卷 獻繭

清院本親蠶圖 卷 獻繭

” was built based on antiquity and a complete set of “Rituals for Sericulture” drawn up.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

shes surround this delightful scene of figures celebrating the autumn moonlight. Villagers have set up.....more

宋人寒林待渡 軸

宋人寒林待渡 軸

to board the ferry. Many areas of the painting are covered with wet washes, which make the blank areas.....more

明陳洪綬畫卷石山茶 軸

明陳洪綬畫卷石山茶 軸

, which, compared to the height of the tree and rock, make it appear as if looking up to them.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

of Buddhas is seen in the clouds above. The Four Heavenly Kings hold up the Bodhisattva's.....more

明趙文俶畫春蠶食葉 軸

明趙文俶畫春蠶食葉 軸

fruit and luxuriant leaves. Three silkworms are shown; one inches its way up the branch while two.....more

宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

looks up at a bird in flight as the other preens its feathers behind the polygonum. The two form.....more

宋人畫雙松花鳥 軸

宋人畫雙松花鳥 軸

in fine yet strong brushwork, being built up one stroke at a time to suggest shade and appearing dense.....more

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

, and Tu Ch’iung did this work to record a trip there to visit him. Here, the clouds light up.....more

清王原祁仿黃公望秋山 軸

清王原祁仿黃公望秋山 軸

the mountain forms on the left and right. The area of water that gradually extends up from the lower right.....more

宋人畫調鶴采花仙 軸

宋人畫調鶴采花仙 軸

, the cliffs form a background for the figures and the winding path in the foreground opens up to a winding.....more


宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸

) at Hangchow. There he re-entered the Painting Academy, which was set up during the period from 1131.....more


宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸

) at Hangchow. There he re-entered the Painting Academy, which was set up during the period from 1131.....more

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