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共找到 50 筆符合的資料
宋李公麟人物真蹟 卷
Li was reportedly quite proficient. He also was fond of adopting T’ao Yüan-ming as his sub.....more
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清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸
’ing Dynasty Chou K’ai (style name Chung-li, sobriquet Yün-kao) was a native of Fu-yang.....more
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明周臣山亭納涼圖 軸
dynasty masters Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia Kuei. Chou’s experienced brush.....more
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宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三...
as Hangchow, Huang-chou, Yangchow, and Ch'iung-chou. Su Shih was distinguished for his erudition.....more
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藝林清賞 冊 清徐恆蜜蜂芙蓉
painting. He especially admired the styles of Shen Chou and Li Liu-fang of the Ming dynasty, and he also.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖
in the Museum collection attributed to Yen Li-pen. That work also shows foreigners bringing tribute.....more
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名人畫扇(上) 冊 明王醴鵪鶉...
剪秋羅、石竹 鵪鶉 蜂 溪澗、湍泉 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十九冊,頁98-99&* 王醴,作品見於明朝晚期(十七世紀初)。字三泉,浙江嘉興人.....more
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五代南唐周文矩蘇李別意 卷
竭被執而降。武帝聞之,誅其家,遂不得歸漢。李陵聞武將返,特來相餞。但見朔風勁冷襲寒漠,隨從紛紛瑟縮,蘇李二人執手相握,泫然對泣,不勝哀戚。畫中人物表情生動,線條遒勁精細。&*Chou Wen-ch.....more
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五代南唐周文矩仕女圖 軸
,乃有此標題。 &*Chou Wen-ch', a native of Ch'-jung, Chien-k'ang (modern Nan-king), served the Southern T.....more
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明周臣畫閒看兒童捉柳花句意 軸
flowers?" and Yang Wan-li's, "I listlessly rise from my nap, idly watching children.....more
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