搜尋:large 在 書畫 分類當中


明人畫望海樓圖 軸

明人畫望海樓圖 軸

are large, allowing for an expansive interior. An elevated terrace is around the sides along.....more

明文徵明松下觀泉圖 軸

明文徵明松下觀泉圖 軸

in his small and delicate paintings. This work, on the other hand, is rather large.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴蟬

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴...

branches of a willow tree in summer. High up rests a large cicada. A praying mantis, not far below.....more

明徐渭寫生 卷

明徐渭寫生 卷

blades rendered as single brushstrokes and large dots for the blossoms are fluid and moist. Compared.....more

清王鑑倣王蒙秋山圖 軸

清王鑑倣王蒙秋山圖 軸

and had a large family collection of art. He served up to the post of Prefect of Lianzhou. Gifted.....more

清郎世寧畫瑞? 軸

清郎世寧畫瑞? 軸

than its hind legs. With slightly large ears and eyes, it is known for its docile nature.....more

明王守仁山水畫真跡 軸

明王守仁山水畫真跡 軸

a stretch of water between two banks. Large rocks appear by the distant shore along with the cataracts.....more

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

these features are found in this work. Below and emerging from the ridges of peaks, a large central cliff.....more

唐李思訓江帆樓閣 軸

唐李思訓江帆樓閣 軸

is large, while the tripartite brackets distribute the weight of the roof.....more

宋夏珪溪山清遠 卷

宋夏珪溪山清遠 卷

of brushwork was refined. His representation of landscapes with large "axe-cut.....more

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊

of the ten sites rendered in large axe-cut strokes and heavy washes. The simple, harmonious brushwork.....more

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

, the Tang dynasty was invaded by a large army headed by the Uighurs. Guo Ziyi was ordered by the Tang.....more

元曹知白雙松圖 軸

元曹知白雙松圖 軸

are limned in dark ink; large and small trees alternate, making the pines seem even more prominent.....more

元人射雁圖 軸

元人射雁圖 軸

a large axe. Several other riders are scattered about, shooting at a flock of wild geese in the sky.....more

宋人岷山晴雪 軸

宋人岷山晴雪 軸

and children, and monks. The large waterfall, rushing stream, misty atmosphere, and patches of light.....more


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