搜尋:feeling 在 書畫 分類當中


清赫奕煙江漁艇 軸

清赫奕煙江漁艇 軸

an ample accumulation of ink and was especially able to represent the feeling of a vast, obscure scene.....more

清焦和貴富貴長春 軸

清焦和貴富貴長春 軸

increases the feeling of distance. In the unpainted areas one can make out the traces of charcoal used.....more

清弘?畫村舍怡豐 卷

清弘?畫村舍怡豐 卷

is a feeling of harmony and plenty. 本幅 41.6x331.5公分、隔水一 14公分、隔水二 13.8公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 弘旿 數位化執行單位:國立故宮.....more

宋人松風琴韻圖 軸

宋人松風琴韻圖 軸

refined to suggest a stiffer feeling. It perhaps is a lesser work of the Che Schools and may even.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清葉道本門前邀飲

藝林清賞 冊 清葉道本門前邀飲

, evoking the carefree feeling of a mountainous dwelling. This painting is the ninth leaf in the album Yi.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋馬逵春叢文蝶

宋元集繪 冊 宋馬逵春叢文蝶

to be an ordinary scene, the artist has succeeded in imbuing a warm and peaceful feeling to the realistic forms.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清朱翰之疏林遠岫

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清朱翰...

“Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains.” Conveying a similar feeling of pure and expansive sky and river.....more

明人畫扇(元) 冊 明唐寅秋暮漁舟

明人畫扇(元) 冊 明唐寅秋暮...

returns home under the sunset sky”; the feeling of the painting is fully captured in its poetic.....more

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

feeling. The focus of this painting is the old fisherman in tattered clothing, and Ch’ien attempts.....more

元黃公望谿亭山色 軸

元黃公望谿亭山色 軸

of hemp-fiber texture strokes give the entire work a simple yet hoary feeling. Neither the signature.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

to create a delicate and simple composition. Furthermore, he uses brushwork filled with poetic feeling.....more

元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公尺牘

元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公...

and varied for a spirited feeling. This is from the album Traces by Yüan Calligraphers. 本幅 21x37.7公分、全幅.....more

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀書

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀...

retreat. The artist has conveyed the feeling of both action and repose: Lin sits quietly at a table.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏

花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏

leaves. The wet ink in varying tonalities of dark and light add to the feeling of vitality.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 摩訶迦葉

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...

with colors that add a feeling of elegance while careful attention to shading suggests some Western.....more

第 3 頁
共 10 頁

feeling 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋